2017 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge Sign Ups

JANUARY 1, 2017 – DECEMBER 31, 2017 ~
Welcome to the 2017 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! For this challenge, each month is assigned a motif or theme. Your task is to read one book per month that fits in with the assigned motifs…
2017 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge
(Click on the month to go to the Challenge Check-In Link-up)
JANUARY – Diversify Your Reading
Kick the reading year off right and shake things up. Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, or sexual orientation other than your own.
FEBRUARY – Undercover Thriller
Read a book involving spies, detectives, private investigators, or a character in disguise.
MARCH – Time Traveler
Read a book set in a different dimension, a book in which time travel is involved or a dystopian or science fiction book where reality looks very different than what we’re used to.
APRIL – Award Winners
Read a book that has won a literary award or a book written by an author who has been recognized in the bookish community.
MAY – Book to Movie or Audio
Read a book that has a movie based off of it. For an extra challenge, see the movie or listen to the audio book as well.
JUNE – Destination Unknown
Read a book in which the character(s) take a trip, travel somewhere, go on a quest, or find themselves on a journey toward something.
JULY – Believe the Unbelievable
This month it’s all about fantasy. Epic fantasy, urban fantasy, fairytales, magic, etc.
AUGUST – Seasons, Elements, & Weather
Read a book in which the season, the elements, or the weather plays a role in the story.
SEPTEMBER – Creepy, Chilling, & Frightful
Cozy mystery ghost stories, paranormal haunting, murder mysteries, weird and scary creatures- it’s up to you!
OCTOBER – Games, Challenges, & Contests
Read a book that involves a game of some sort. Video games, war games, psychological mess-with-your-mind games, characters who participate in a contest, or a story in which the character takes on a challenge.
NOVEMBER – Last Chance
Read a book you’ve been meaning to get to all year but haven’t yet or read the last book in a series you started.
DECEMBER – Picking Favorites
Read a book by one of your favorite authors or read a book that Girlxoxo has recommended this year.
Below is a participation linky. Please use it to sign up and/or link up to your Monthly Motif Introduction blog post. If you don’t write a blog, link up to your Goodreads profile page.
The Nuts and Bolts – IMPORTANT!
On the first of each month we’ll be checking in with you and putting up a new linky for you to link your reviews for that month to. You will have until the 10th of the next month to add your link. After that the linky will be closed. You can find our latest Monthly Motif post in the blog sidebar.
Thanks for joining and have fun!
Sign up to Participate Here:
Amanda Sue
Are audiobooks permitted for this? I’ve got a perfect one for October if they are. 😀
Yes! Tanya and I are big fans of audio books.
Penny Dawinter
I’m taking part in the monthly motif challenge and I’m also putting some money to the world wildlife fund charity for every book I read next year. I was wondering if you could help me get the word out about it as I’m also trying to get sponsored for the read.
My justgiving page is: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Penny-Dawinter
Thank you so much for the help!
Tanya Patrice
@Penny that’s such an awesome cause.
Penny Dawinter
Thank you! There’s so many good causes out there that it’s difficult to just choose one. I was thinking about making it an annual thing and changing charities each year 🙂 to make sure more important causes get some of that book love! 🙂
Tina Culbertson
Question…..may we also link up with another site? I was thinking of reading Stir by Jessica Fechtor with Cook the Books site. That is the designated book for December and January. Well, this would apply for your theme in January as well. Are you all cool with linking at both your site and Cook the Books?
Kimberly Lynne
Yes! No problem with that at all Tina.
Tina Culbertson
Great! I have already printed off your motif reading challenge and am noting books that I’d like to read. I’m excited!
Tina Culbertson
I am such a dope! I guess I was all pumped up about this challenge and have been participating every. Single. Month…..but forgot to actually sign up!! I just signed up.
Tanya Patrice
@Tina Lol. Had to smile at that. Glad you’re all signed up and yay for participating every month!!
I love this one.
Kimberly Lynne
Thanks Jamie!
This is one of the best 2017 challenges I have seen so far! It’s simple enough to not be overwhelming, yet diverse enough to still be exciting. I hope to sign up this weekend. 🙂
Kimberly Lynne
Thank you so much Xxertz!! Hope you have fun with it.
Thanks for hosting! I’m really bad with forgetting to come back each month and link up. I usually only do that at the end of the year. I’ll try!
Kimberly Lynne
You just gave me an idea Darlene! I’ll put up a final linky at the end of the year so people can write a Wrap Up Post and link there- then we can still see how everyone did even if they didn’t always find the time to link up each individual month!
Gina, a book dragon
I think I can get half of these! Which would still be better than the last time I tried 😉
I’ll be back in a bit to sign up.
Kimberly Lynne
Barb (boxermommyreads)
I plan on doing the same challenges next year as this but I would like to add a new one or two. I think I just found one – THANKS!
Kimberly Lynne
Yay! Glad you’re joining us.