Welcome  to the 2018 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge that runs from JANUARY 1, 2018 – DECEMBER 31, 2018 ~ For this challenge, each  month is assigned a motif or theme. Your task is to read one book per month that fits in with the assigned motifs…

2018 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge

(Click on the month to go to the Challenge Check-In Link-up)

JANUARY – Diversify Your Reading
Kick the reading year off right and shake things up. Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, or sexual orientation other than your own.

Read a book with a one word title.

MARCH – Travel the World
Read a book set in a different country than your own, written by an author from another country than your own, or a book in which the characters travel.

APRIL – Read Locally
Read a book set in your country, state, town, village (or has a main character from your home town, country, etc)

MAY- Book to Screen
Read a book that’s been made into a movie or a TV show.

JUNE- Crack the Case
Mysteries, True Crime, Who Dunnit’s.

JULY – Vacation Reads
Read a book you think is a perfect vacation read and tell us why.

AUGUST- Award Winners
Read a book that has won a literary award or a book written by an author who has been recognized in the bookish community.

SEPTEMBER- Don’t Turn Out The Light
Cozy mystery ghost stories, paranormal creeptastic, horror novels.

OCTOBER- New or Old
Choose a new release from 2018 or a book known as a classic.

Books where family dynamics play a big role in the story

DECEMBER- Wrapping It Up
Winter or holiday themed books or books with snow, ice, etc in the title or books set in winter OR read a book with a theme from any of the months in this challenge (could be a theme you didn’t do, or one you want to do again).

The Nuts and Bolts – IMPORTANT!

Below is a participation linky (the blue button.) Please use it to sign up and/or link up to your Monthly Motif Introduction blog post. If you don’t write a blog, link up to your Goodreads profile page, your Instagram, etc.

We’d love for you to post to social media (if you use it) using the hashtag #monthlymotifgxo.

Just before the first of each month we’ll be checking in with you and putting up a new linky for you to link your reviews for that month to. You will have until the 10th of the next month to add your link. After that the linky will be closed. You can still link up after that, you’ll just need to message me.

You can find our latest Monthly Motif post in the blog sidebar.

Thanks for joining and have fun!

(If you are reading this post in a blog reader you’ll need to click through to the site to see the participation linky below.)
