10 Foods in Our (K)itchen Right Now #SummerAtoZ

We’ve done a pantry peek to look at some of the spices we always have on hand, but let’s take a look and see 10 Foods in Our Kitchens Right Now.
+ Tanya … it’s a Friday night when I’m checking out what’s in my kitchen. This is when I usually run low on food, BUT it’s not as bad as it usually is, as it looks like I planned ahead last week and there’s enough to get us through the weekend if needed. Looking around, there’s ..
1. Green Valley Organics Lactose Free Yogurt – it’s the only lactose free yogurt I can find anywhere near me that I like.
2. Fruit – the type of fruit changes but there’s always something – currently we have grapefruit sitting out – everybody loves grapefruit, although it takes some work to cut up and eat.
In the meat drawer …
3. Pork Chops – cooking for dinner tonight
4. Oscar Mayer Angus Beef Uncured Beef Franks – 2 packs left over purchases for summer barbecues
5. Oscar Mayer Naturally Hardwood Smoked Bacon – my husband was having a BLT sandwich craving this week. I pretty much stick to Oscar Mayer brands for meat products when I can and scoop them up when there’s a sale
+ Kim …
6. Avocados – Avocados were my favorite food as a kid (before they were all hip and cool to eat) and I still love them on basically everything as an adult.
7. Private Selection Coffee & Yogi Tea – I’m a coffee every morning, tea every evening kinda gal. My local grocery store carries Kroger brand Private Selection coffee and I really love it- especially the caramel and vanilla flavors. I still consider myself a tea newbie because it’s only been in the last year that I’ve started drinking it every night. I love the Yogi brand but if you have other suggestions that I should try, let me know!
8. Fresh Veggies – Right now, they’re coming in full steam from the garden. Year round we prefer fresh veggies to frozen or canned so I always have at least broccoli, carrots and a couple other choices on hand for steaming or roasting.
9. Private Selection Corn and Bean Salsa and Kirkland Hummus – I love to snack. Salsa and/or hummus are a must in my fridge to help keep me snacking on the good stuff rather than the cookies in my pantry. These individual packages of hummus dip from Costco are so handy! I keep them in the freezer and then pop a few in our picnic bag when we head out to the park.
10. Oreos – I am a die hard fan. Give me all the Oreos and no one gets hurt. And yes, they have to be double stuff.
Are any of these items in your fridge right now too?
Beth F
Fun! We always have a ton of fresh veggies and fruit in the house. Our snack is salt-free organic tortilla chips (Trader Joe’s) and salsa. There’s also always some kid of meat stashed in the freezer.
I’m a coffee person, though I do like black tea (Stash is a brand I like). I’m not much of an herb tea drinker.