13 Things This Week

Here’s a look at some interesting things we read/ saw / thought / did last week plus what I’m currently reading.


ONE+ The winner of the 2018 Man Booker Prize has been announced – Milkman, Anna Burns.

TWO+ Love the ideas in 20 Fantastic Book Character Costumes.

THREE+ Looks like Haunted Houses were trending this week – 10 of the Scariest Haunted House Books Ever and our 3 #WickedGoodReads With Creepy Old Houses.

FOUR+ Check out this list of 5 New Horror Books for Dark October Nights – I need to get my hands on I Am Behind You by John Ajvide Lindqvist.

FIVE+ I’ve read quite a few of the books on 13 Essential #Ownvoices Science Fiction & Fantasy Novels and will save this list so I can get to the others.

SIX+ Good idea – Shake Up Your Required Reading List with These Re-imagined Classics. Also check out Fire the Canon at Electric Lit, where they suggest replacements for the old established books on school reading lists.

SEVEN+ Love! Literary Dinner | Circe.

EIGHT+ In case ya didn’t knowGoodreads Hack: How to Create Custom Bookshelves. I have a few including “audiobook is better“.

Life & Other Stuff


NINE+ Do you remember (still visit) any of these 100 Websites That Shaped the Internet as We Know It?

TEN+ I use my bullet journal for work, so no embellishments, but I was inspired by 4 Beautiful Bullet Journal Tips for People Who Can’t Draw.

ELEVEN+ Halloween Mantel Decor to Die For got me inspired to but up our Halloween decorations – nowhere near as nice, but it was so much fun!

TWELVE+ Scary Movies ranked by level of scariness might be just what you need to help you enjoy the season – but not get too grossed out if you can’t handle it.

THIRTEEN+ We’ve Got 76 Days Left of 2018—Here’s How I’m Making Each One Count … less now, but you get the point.


I was listening to the audiobook of The Heart Goes Last, Margaret Atwood, last week and was finally getting into it a little more – when the loan expired and I had to return it. I’ve requested it again but in the meantime, I started listening to Grist Mill Road, Christopher J. Yates. I’m really liking this one so far.

Grist Mill Road, Christopher J. Yates

Grist Mill Road

The year is 1982; the setting, an Edenic hamlet some ninety miles north of New York City. There, among the craggy rock cliffs and glacial ponds of timeworn mountains, three friends—Patrick, Matthew, and Hannah—are bound together by a terrible and seemingly senseless crime. Twenty-six years later, in New York City, living lives their younger selves never could have predicted, the three meet again—with even more devastating results.

I still need to read my selection for this month’s reading challenge – New Or Old {Monthly Motif Oct, which is The Pure in Heart, Simon Serailler. What are you currently reading? Have you completed your “must reads” for this month?

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