14 Reading Challenge Groups on Goodreads

Reading challenges are an awesome way to diversify your reading and not get stuck in a reading rut. We already have a monster Master List of 2019 Reading Challenges, but here’s another list of reading challenge groups that you can join on Goodreads.

Reading Challenge Groups on Goodreads

Reading Challenges

one+ Around the World in 80 Books – If you love world literature, translated works, travel writing, or exploring the world through books, you have come to the right place. There are on-going challenges, but also yearly challenges such as Around the World in 80 Books Annual Challenges and 2019 Translated Language Challenge

two+ 2-3-4 Reading Challenge – This group is all about book series. Use this group’s reading challenges – the 2019 Series Completed Challenge and2019 Series Up to Date Challenge – to help you complete book series you’ve previously started.

three+ 2019 Reading Challenges – Track your annual reading goal here and join in the group reads and challenges. There are quite a few yearly challenges like Color Challenge – 2019 and A to Z Challenge – Stage Edition 2019, but also monthly challenges and buddy reads.

four+ The Bookwyrm Challenge – A straightforward reading challenge group with a monthly challenge and several yearlong reading challenges. This is THE group to join if you have a goal to read a certain number of books from different genres, like Translations, Nobel Prize-Winning Authors, Post-apocalyptic and more.

five+ Challenge Corner – This is a smaller reading challenge group which has just a few reading challenges, but even better monthly challenges, buddy reads and book of the month group discussions.

six+ The Challenge Factory – There are a wide range of challenges across many different themes/genres/subjects. Join in for mini, monthly, and yearly challenges that will allow even the busiest of persons a chance to take part. I’m only participating in the 2019 A-Z Places Spell Out but others that look tempting include The Really, Really, Really, Really, Hard 2019 Challenge! and Reporter’s Challenge 2019.

seven+ Game Night – This group hosts team and individual reading games based on board games, game shows, dice games. There’s the 2019 All About Card Games Ultimate Challenge + Snakes & Ladders and more.

eight+ The Lost Challenges – There are many fun reading challenges in this group as well, including monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and yearly challenges including various A-Z Challenges and Spell Out Challenges.

nine+ Nothing But Reading Challenges – This group has a LOT of reading challenges including team challenges, Choose Your Own Adventure challenges, Decades Challenge, various A-Z themed challenges, and much more.

ten+ Reading With Style – This reading challenge group offers several tasks to be completed each season – each worth points. There are opportunities to earn bonus points and repeat tasks – all with the goal of getting as many points as possible.

eleven+ Romance Readers Reading Challenges – This group has several monthly, quarterly and yearly challenges – most are not focused on romance – so readers of any genre will enjoy the group. Yearly challenges include RT Award Nominees Challenge and 2019 RRRC Countdown.

twelve+ The Seasonal Reading Challenge – The Seasonal Reading Challenge consists of a set of reading related tasks to be completed during the current season. There are more than 50 tasks, many with sub-tasks – and some requiring more than 1 book to satisfy the requirement. This is a very active group – and a challenging … challenge. I’m a member of this group.

thirteen+ Wacky Reading Challenge – This group has a LOT of reading challenges and is very active. There are a monthly, quarterly, yearly and open-ended challenges. So get started with the 19X19 Challenge and Splash & Splatter Color Challenge or any of the many challenges in that group.

fourteen+ Wanderlust Challenges – This group is all about reading books and authors from around the World to satisfy your wanderlust. There is a Master Challenge List which is a great place to get started.

Are you an active member in any Goodreads groups?