2020 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge [March Check-In]

Welcome back to the 2020 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! Your challenge this month is to read a book from a sub-genre from your favorite genre. (See why this month is so fun?!) Then link up to where you posted about it in the comments, on our Goodreads GXO Reading Challenge group or on Instagram using the hashtag #MonthlyMotifGXO. And don’t forget to update your 2020 Reading Challenges Tracker.

Sub-Genre Sound Off

“Choose a sub-genre of your favorite genre and read a book from it. Ex. Sub Genres of Fantasy could be Magical Realism, Fairytale Retellings, or Epic Fantasy to name just a few.”

Here’s my top book suggestion for this month:

Scythe, Neal Shusterman (Dystopian)

This book is absolutely perfect for this months challenge. Dystopia can actually be a subgenre of several different main genres. In this case it’s a subgenre of science fiction. Don’t let that scare you away- it just means its futuristic. This is a YA but would be a perfect discussion book for an adult book club as well. It addresses ideas surrounding death and who has the right to live or take lives. It’s a really powerful book but also a fast read with a bit of drama and action.

A world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery. Humanity has conquered all those things, and has even conquered death. Now scythes are the only ones who can end life—and they are commanded to do so, in order to keep the size of the population under control.

Citra and Rowan are chosen to apprentice to a scythe—a role that neither wants. These teens must master the “art” of taking life, knowing that the consequence of failure could mean losing their own.

I highly suggest googling sub-genres of books and checking out all the possibilities. There are hundreds of options!! Have fun and let us know what you read in the comments.