3 Scary Middle Grade Reads That Would Creep Adults Out

I remember reading some really creepy book as a kid. When I went back and reread them as an adult I realized they were still creepy. Awhile back I read a few more that I thought were pretty good. Here are three you might enjoy…
Wait Till Helen Comes, Mary Downing Hahn
Heather is such a whiny little brat. We’re stuck with her…our “poor stepsister” who lost her real mother in a mysterious fire. But now Heather has found a new friend, out in the graveyard behind our home — a girl named Helen who died with her family in a mysterious fire over a hundred years ago.
Mary Downing Hahn is the queen of creeptastic middle grade books. She’s been writing since the eighties and just published a new book this year. Wait Till Helen Comes is by far my favorite of hers that I’ve read. It gave me the shivers as a kid and still does today!
The Ghost of Graylock, Dan Poblocki
Everyone’s heard the stories about Graylock Hall. It was meant to be a place of healing – a hospital where children and teenagers with mental disorders would be cared for and perhaps even cured. But something went wrong. Several young patients died under mysterious circumstances. Eventually, the hospital was shut down, the building abandoned and left to rot deep in the woods.As the new kid in town, Neil Cady wants to see Graylock for himself. Especially since rumor has it that the building is haunted.
I read this late every evening and it was easy to imagine myself wandering around an old hospital. Hospitals really are the creepiest settings for hauntings, right? And this one’s pretty creepy.
Dead City, James Ponti
Molly is a zombie hunter, just like her mother.This, however, is news to Molly. Now she must come to terms with not only the idea that zombies exist, but also that they’re everywhere, and it’s her job to help police them and keep the peace.
I love Molly. She’s tough and she’s got a mature edge to her that you don’t see in many middle grade books. This one’s just a lot of fun and I love a good zombie book.
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