4 Favorites in February

Here’s a few things that I was loving on this month.
* KIM *
ONE+ Playlists for Every Situation – I’ve always been obsessed with music but I’ve realized that I don’t really talk much about it or my favorites when it comes to music. I’m crazy about creating a playlist for every season, mood, activity, year, etc. In the past I used Itunes, then Pandora. But currently I prefer to use Spotify which I started using about 4 years ago. I pay for Premium because I teach dance and I need access to specific songs at specific times and I also need that music to change from week to week depending on what I’m teaching. Now that I’ve paid for premium I’ll never go back. I’m way too particular about what I listen to at any given time and premium allows me to pick and choose, skip, replay, etc at will. Feel free to follow my Spotify public playlists if you’re on there too.
TWO+ Candles – I’ve experimented with lots of different smelly things for my home including wax warmers, plug ins, and the like. But ultimately I find that there’s just nothing like an actual candle burning for me. I light one each morning in the kitchen and let it burn for a couple of hours while I eat breakfast, do chores, and get ready for the day. I love the tone it sets for me. My personal favorite has been White Thyme Basil from DW Home . I think I’ve gone through about five of those. I use this chevron candle holder and I love it.
THREE+ TV Date Night – I don’t watch a lot of TV. I just can never find the time. It sounds silly but every night I was literally crashing into bed as soon as we got the kids to sleep, but then I’d be wide awake at 3 am. Something had to change. It took making a set ‘TV date night’ with my husband (and finding a show we both could get hooked on) for me to be able to stay up late. We finished the first season of Altered Carbon a few weeks ago and season 2 premiers next week. Man, I love this show so much. I’m obsessed. It’s right up my alley. It’s based on a 2002 cyberpunk novel by British writer Richard K. Morgan, which I’ve now added to my TBR.
FOUR+ Tazo Lemon Loaf Tea – I’m mostly a coffee drinker but I do love a cup of tea in the evening. My husband gifted me this Tazo Lemon Loaf Tea for Christmas because I love the lemon pound cake at Starbucks. It tastes just like it! So yummy that I immediately went out and bought two more boxes knowing I’d go through it quick.
How was your month? What’s one thing you recommend we read, watch or try soon?
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