5 Things This Week

We are in the thick of getting our house prepped and staged to go up for sale which has been a helluva lot of work and all consuming. So this week, I’m linking up with Anne in Residence “Currently” series.

loving – Over the weekend I fell into the most delicious audiobooks – Take a Hint Dani Brown (The Brown Sisters #2), Talia Hibbert. It was such a cute, fun read. I’ve read all 3 books in the series and really enjoyed them (I actually read the 3rd book before the 2nd one).
making – These Reading Journal Tracker Spreads. They help me pause and reflect on a book before I move on to the next, because I have to go to the spreads and update them first. Anybody else doing this?
taking – more pictures lately. Especially of the difference between winter in the mid-west

… and Florida

wanting – to get back to running & cycling. I haven’t had been doing much in February because of spending every waking moment cleaning, purging, working. I miss it and resolve to be back soon.
wondering – if I can experience any of these epic 50 Things To Do Before You Die or 50 Things To Do Before You Die, Part 2. Well I can cross off become a regular, take a long trip on a short boat with someone you love (… ok – a short trip wind sailing) … I think I just need to start my own list.
What’s one thing that would make a list you made of things to do before you die?
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