5 Things This Week

Last week Kim checked in with what she was anticipating, ordering, reading, watching and overseeing. This week, it’s Tanya Patrice here sharing a few moments from my life this week.

running+ Outside! I choose the treadmill during the Winter in the mid-West. … but last Sunday, when we switched to daylight saving time, the temps warmed up a bit and I went for a run around the frozen lake with 2 friends.

going+ I was in Oregon for work this week – one of my favorite states in the US. It’s so beautiful! I’m usually in the mountains, but this time I was staying right in downtown Portland and ate my way through the city! The food scene here is excellent.

updating+ There have been moments when I felt like I thought something and then an ad for it shows up the next time I’m on the internet. Everything is being tracked! After reading 11 Default Firefox Settings You Should Change If You Care About Your Privacy … I made all the changes to my browser.

buying+ Recently, I made a super costly mistake of buying a phone and not getting a phone case or a phone protection plan. I then dropped the phone at least a million times over the next 2 months and the screen is pretty much done for. I had to go buy another phone (ended up with an open box model of the OnePlus 9 Pro) and of course immediately ordered the phone case. Lesson learned! I had to wait a few days for the case and basically had the phone cradled in a baby blanket until it came.

working+ I mention working ever so often on the blog, and since I’m traveling for work this week, I thought I’d throw it in here. This week was spent at a supplier of spice blends. I work in quality – so it was spent reviewing the quality systems at their manufacturing location (which was excellent). Working in food manufacturing (any aspect) is hectic, fast paced and not for everybody – and I absolutely love it.

What industry do you work in?