5 Types of Book Series Break-Ups

Recently, after reading 3 books in a 9 book series, I really didn’t feel that I wanted to continue with the series … but did I really want to break up with it? It seemed so final, but my interest had waned to the point where it might be the end. It got me to thinking though … how do people break up with a book series.

How Do You Break Up With a Book Series

1. Messy

This is when the book you’re reading in the series is so bad you vow to never …. ever … read anything more books in this series – and maybe even shun the author forever. It’s even worse when it’s an author or book series that you really loved. Has this ever happened to you?

Book Series Break-Ups

This happened to me with the fantasy series, Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. I actually read all 15 books in the series, and then another book came out that was set generations later, The Law of Nines. It was completely different from the rest of the series – and I was not happy about this. I’m not reading any more in this series.

2. Lose Interest

Sometimes, it’s not a big dust-up, but just a loss of interest in proceeding with the series. That’s what happened to me with the Simon Serailler series by Susan Hill. I read the first 3 books … but just don’t have much interest in continuing although I enjoyed it. Have you give up on a series for this reason?

The Pure in Heart (Book)

3. Tinged with Regret

Ahhh … this one is why breakups can be so hard. You’re on the fence – you might want to break up, but you’re not quite sure … so what do you do? Do you give it one more shot by reading another book in the series? Because, who knows … it might work out after all. Or do you go on a long hiatus and come back to it later?

4. It’s Just Too Much

This is when the series just gets to have too many books and you feel like you can’t … or don’t want to keep up. Have you ever felt that way? This happened to me with the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong. I read 4 of the 13 books before deciding I just couldn’t … or didn’t want to … commit to that long series.

Book Series Break-Ups

The longest book series I’ve kept up with other than the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind that I mentioned above with its 15 books – is probably the Harry Hole series by Jo Nesbo that has 11 books with a 12th coming out in summer 2019. I’m still keeping up with it though and I don’t see us breaking up anytime soon.

5. I Forgot About You

There are a few series I’ve started – read the first book and loved it – but for some reason, just forgot to continue on. I’m looking at you Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I read the first book way back in 2013 and loved it – but … just haven’t followed up with any of the other 6 books in the series!

Book Series Breakups

So those are 5 types of book series break-ups – and I’ve done them all! Can you think of any more? Which is the last book series you’ve had to break up with?