6 Book (D)uets For Your Reading Pleasure

Here are some of our favorite recently read books and their readalikes.


An American Marriage, Tayari Jones

An American Marriage

In An American Marriage, the author takes us a journey with a man who is falsely imprisoned, and the effect it has on his family. He gets out of prison, and things are just not the same. How do you think you would react under circumstances? Or is this one of those things where no matter what you think – until it actually happens to you, you won’t know what you’d do?! This book made me think about how life can throw you curveballs sometimes – and sometimes – they hurt like a bitch!

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The Mothers, Britt Bennett

The Mothers (Book)
The Mothers is not about being falsely imprisoned, but this book is about family and friendships, and how relationships can change over time, due to external events and due to people changing.

All good secrets have a taste before you tell them, and if we’d taken a moment to swish this one around our mouths, we might have noticed the sourness of an unripe secret, plucked too soon, stolen and passed around before its season.

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant Book

Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy.

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Britt Marie Was Here, Fredrik Backman

Britt Marie Was Here
– about a singular character and their seemingly odd interaction with others. Britt-Marie is at first an oddball who’s just lonely, but she captured my heart – and a community. This book is an excellent read.

Behold the Dreamers, Imbolo Mbue

Behold the Dreamers (Book)

Behold the Dreamers follows a family of immigrants, and shows how their lives are tied to the fortunes of their employers. Once things turn for their boss, then they must try to survive. The characters are unforgettable, the plot complex and emotionally charged, and the story will break your heart and make you laugh at the same time.

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Here Comes the Sun, Nicole Dennis-Benn

Here Comes the Sun (Book)
– same hustling spirit in the main character. But sometimes the hustle, things don’t always work out the way you want them to.

~ KIM ~

Six of Crows Series, Leigh Bardugo

A series about a group of misfits trying to make a place for themselves in their city, always vying for a leg up to put them in a better place. They go up against some fierce competition and, banded together as a ragtag family of sorts, they come out on top.

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Jade City, Fonda Lee

Jade City follows a family also trying to gain control of their city. Willing to fight to the death for each other and defend their family honor, they battle for control of Jade, the lifeblood of the whole island.

Illuminae Files Series, Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

Set on a space ship, a group of teenagers find themselves entangled in a battle between two megacorporations. Fast moving, sarcastic and smart, this is one fun ride.

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Nyxia, Scott Reintgen

Also set in space, a group of polar opposite teenagers train for an important intergalactic mission but realize there’s something a bit sinister about the company that is sponsoring their trip. They must get to the bottom of it or they may never come home.

Have you read any of these books?

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