6 Things Saving our Lives Right Now [The Fall Edition]

We did a 12 Things Saving Our Lives Right Now [The Mid-Winter Edition] earlier this year, and now that’s it’s a few months later, and Fall – here’s 6 things saving our lives right now – the Fall 2018 Edition.

✤ KIM ✤

ONE. Agendio Custom Planner. I love my new custom designed planner so much. It’s awesome to have a planner that is working for me in all the ways that I need it to.

TWO. Weekly Park Playdates. It’s finally the perfect temperature for playing outside- but it won’t last long. We’re taking advantage of it by meeting up with a few friends every Thursday morning and it’s been so nice to just sit and chat while the kids burn off energy.

THREE. Marco Polo AppI have two sisters. One lives in Wyoming and the other just moved to Arizona. With me being in Utah, that means we don’t see each other often. We started using the Marco Polo app about a month ago and it’s so fun! It’s almost like we’re in the same room chatting all day long. It’s been fun for the cousins too, who send little videos out to each other every now and then and completely love it when they get one in return.


FOUR. Putting touches of Fall inside our home, like this sign that reminds us to, “Plant Smiles, Grow Giggles, Harvest Love and … Happy Fall.”

Plant Smiles Fall Decor

FIVE. Cucumber Hydrating Face Sheet Mask from Trader Joe’s ($2.00) – because I’ve gone back and re-bought this many times and

SIX. GlamGlow Instamud 60-Second Pore-Refining Treatment ($42.00 @ Sephora). I use this 2x/week, especially when I’m traveling. It’s quick and does the trick pretty well.

What’s saving your life right now?