7 More Favorites Around Our Homes

Last year, we shared with you 4 Favorites From Around the (H)ome and since it’s been awhile, we wanted to update the list and bring you 7 more favorites from our homes.

🍂 KIM 🍂

ONE+ I recently bought this Bath and Body Works Gold Chevron Candle Holder as a treat for myself and I keep it in my kitchen. I plan to switch out the candles with the season but right now I have White Thyme Basil in there which is my absolute favorite.

Bath and Body Works Gold Chevron Candle Holder

TWO+ Last year my favorite coffee mug broke so I picked up this Motivation in a Mug replacement at Target. Such a small thing but drinking my coffee out of a cute mug every morning perks my mood just a bit.

THREE+ We recently changed out our basic cat door for this Chip Activated Cat Door. We’ve had some issues with a neighborhood cat inviting himself into our garage. Now, without a programmed chip, he can’t get in. The bonus is that we can control exactly when our cats get to go out or come in as well.


Febreexe Air Pine Scent

FOUR+ Febreeze Air Fresh Cut Pine is my absolute favorite right now. It’s the perfect after-clean spritz for a newly cleaned room … and to keep it in the bathroom for after “the business.” Love, love, love!

FIVE+ SpaRoom Eucalyptus Invigorate Essential Oil (meant to be used in an Essential Oil Diffuser). The scent of this is slightly minty, crisp, light and completely refreshing. It’s my favorite at the moment.

eucalyptus invigorate

SIX+ I used GE 24-Hour Indoor Plug-In Mechanical Timers a lot around Christmas – usually for our Christmas trees and Christmas Village set, so that we don’t have to manually turn everything on every night and off again in the morning. This is one of those things where it’s one less thing to think about everyday because it just works! It’s less than $10 each and 100% worth it.

SEVEN+ When we bought our house 3 years ago, it came with Ecobee Smart Thermostat and I have nothing but the best experiences with it so far. In the colder months we have it set it so it’s relatively cold at nights, but it’s scheduled to start warming up 30 minutes before we get up. Trust me – it makes getting out of bed on those cold, dark mornings so much easier.

We get joy from the small things that help us save time and make us comfortable, as well as the practical. In both our homes, we’re slowly adding in more devices with smart technology. Do you have any smart devices in your home? Thinking about upgrading anytime soon?