A Month of Faves [Blog Event – Here at Last]
![A Month of Faves [Blog Event – Here at Last]](https://i0.wp.com/www.girlxoxo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/amonthoffavesnew.jpg?fit=845%2C460&ssl=1)
If you’ve been waiting for #AMonthofFaves, it’s here at last. We posted it to Instagram but neglected to post it here to the blog. For those of you that have reached out and said you miss it and would like us to post it, thank you! It’s nice to know that there’s still interest in participating because it’s one of our favorite events of the year. So here are the prompts for the next couple of weeks, participate as you like and have fun with it…
#AMonthofFaves Posting Schedule
We started last week on Instagram but I’ve included those topics in case you want to play catch up and still post them.
MON. | Dec. 2 – #AMonthofFaves Popular Books Worth the Hype (and/or Not Worth the Hype)
WED. | Dec. 4 – #AMonthofFaves End of Year Bookish Plans (What you hope you finish before the end of the year, challenges you want to finish, etc)
MON. | Dec. 7 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Products/Small Shops (Post a gift guide or some favorite purchases from the past year- bookish or not)
WED. | Dec. 9 – #AMonthofFaves End of Year Intentions or 2021 Intentions (personal or bookish)
FRI. | Dec. 11 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Things [Daily Life Edition] (recipes tried, shows watched, hobbies picked up, happy moments, etc.)
MON. | Dec. 14 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Book Covers OR Favorite Author(s)
WED. | Dec. 16 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Things [At Home Edition] (favorite reading spot, pet spotlight, daily habits, etc)
FRI. | Dec. 18 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Things [Holiday Edition] (favorite holiday treats, movies, books, songs, decorations, traditions, etc. )
MON. | Dec. 21 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Books pt 1 (best books you read this year!)
WED. | Dec. 23 – #AMonthofFaves Favorite Books pt 2 (More favorites if you couldn’t fit them all in one post)
Feel free to use the linky below to add links to your posts and follow other bloggers who are participating. Because we’re late on this we won’t be posting a linky to each individual post- just link all of your posts here. Thanks for coming back for another year!
Thank you, Kim and Tanya, for doing this again. It’s one of the highlights of my blogging year every year.