What did you watch this year that you absolutely loved? Did you see any movies inspired by books you’ve read? Here’s 8 of my favorite tv shows #onscreen this year.

Favorite TV Shows Watched This Year

ONE+ Better Call Saul (AMC and Netflix) – This show is currently on with season 4 airing this year. The characters are my favorite thing about this show.

TWO+ Big Little Lies (HBO) … The book, Big Little Lies was one of my favorite books of the year, and the tv series adaptation really did it justice – so I can’t say whether the book or tv show was better. They are both awesome! There has only been 1 season so far, but there is a season 2 in the works.

THREE+ Blackish (ABC and Hulu) – FUNNY! I love how this show doesn’t shy away from incorporating race in raising a family as a minority in the US – and sometimes, it’s over the top – but this is the first series that had me laughing out loud in a loooonnnggg time! There have been 5 seasons so far.

FOUR+ Claws (TNT) – Admittedly, Claws is OVER THE TOP! It’s ghetto AF and like a train wreck that you just can’t stop watching. There’ve been 2 seasons and a 3rd one is coming.

FIVE+ The Good Fight (CBS All Access) – DRAMA. I LOVED This is the follow-up series to The Good Wife … which I absolutely loved! Although you have to jump through hoops to watch this as it’s only available online @ CBS All Access, the 2 seasons are so worth it.

SIX+ Insecure (HBO) – Trying to figure out life in your 20s is complicated and difficult and fun … and this series brought it all back. There have been 3 seasons so far with the promise of a 4th.

SEVEN+ Power (Starz) – 5 seasons of non-stop drama and action.

EIGHT+ Scandal (Netflix | Originally ABC) – This is the only series on the list that’s no longer showing. There’s 7 seasons) of nothing but drama.

Have you watched any of these programs? Which one is your fave. If you’re participating in #AMonthofFaves [The 2018 Edition] link up to your blog post (or Instagram picture) below.