#AMonthofFaves Moments of 2022

Well, I know this is a book blog but we do dabble in ‘lifestyle’ posts every now and then. So I hope you’ll indulge me and allow me to get all personal and sappy for one post. Today starts our annual December posting tradition: A Month of Faves!! Our first prompt is Favorite Moments of 2022 and for me, those all involve my boys.

I recently put together one of those custom calendars from Mixbook for my husband for Christmas and it gave me the opportunity to look back on 2022 and all that we filled it with. For our family, that meant lots of local adventuring here in Utah and one big trip to Disneyland! Here are the moments that really stick in my mind from 2022…

ONE – In January our 4 year old went in for surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. We had been considering it for awhile. I was very nervous about this but now, almost a year later, I’m so glad we decided to have it done. He is breathing so much easier! It’s made a huge difference.

TWO– In February our oldest boy turned 8 and we celebrated by taking him to a production of Treasure Island at Hale Theater. If you ever get a chance to see a show at Hale, do it! It’s amazing. It’s theater in the round and the stage sections can move, twist, raise up, etc. Because this was Treasure Island the set design included a huge pirate ship surrounded by water which the actors actually jumped into! At one point water actually rained down from the ceiling to simulate a storm. It was very cool!

THREE – In April we headed down to beautiful Southern Utah and spent Spring Break bumming around St. George area. The red rocks of Utah never get old.

FOUR – In April I also had the chance to go see my favorite singer, Lights, in concert! I’ve been a fan for years but had never seen her live.

FIVE – Some of my favorite memories every year are all of the hiking and outdoor exploring we do. There is so much hiking, camping, and gorgeous outdoor areas to visit near us. We have to take advantage of it!

SIX – In October we took the boys to Disneyland for the first time! It was quite the crazy trip as both boys ended up sick and puking for part of it. But we made the best of it and still managed to have a blast.
Here’s to 2023 and all the memories we’ll create in the new year!
T @ Traveling With T
Loved seeing all your photos!!!!!
Randi Robinson
While you are bumming around in southern Utah you absolutely MUST go visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab.It is the largest companion sanctuary with dogs, cats, horses, goats, pigs, birds, bunnies, and some wildlife. You can go on a tour or sign up to volunteer but the volunteer slots fill up really fast.
@Randi I saw something about that last year but we were too late to get signed up. Definitely adding to the list for next time we’re down there.