#AMonthofFaves Reading Challenges [Recap and New for 2018]

Did you join in any reading challenges this year? Did you set any personal goals? How did you do? Both Kim and I joined in a few reading challenges – as well as hosted the 2017 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge. Here’s how we did.

2017 Reading Challenges

Tanya – I used the Girlxoxo Reading Challenge Tracker to keep up to date with the challenges.

Reading Tracker Challenge Spreadsheet

Kim – I had big plans to participate in several reading challenges in 2017. I mentioned back in March in our update post that I hadn’t kept up with much. By this Fall, I had turned that around just a bit.

2018 Reading Challenges

Tanya – I’m trying not to go overboard but it’s so … so hard!

ONE. This year I’m primarily concentrating on the 2018 Girlxoxo Monthly Motif Reading Challenge – Goal: 12/12.

TWO. I’m a member of this Goodreads Reading Challenge group and so I’ll be doing their Listopia reading challenge – selecting …

THREE. For blogger challenges – after looking through the The Master List of 2018 Reading Challenges, I’m signing up for the … Swords and Stars Reading Challenge. 20 challenges – 20 books.

FOUR. I’m also doing my own personal reading challenge to read more Book Award Winners.

FIVE. I also belong to the Seasonal Reading Challenge group and after a long hiatus, I’m back at it again. I have ZERO hope of ever completing this challenge, so I’m going to just be tracking if I can improve each season … and use strategy to get as many points as I can!

Kim -Man, I love a good reading challenge!

ONE. 2018 Girlxoxo Monthly Motif Reading Challenge.

TWO. Recommended Nonfiction Challenge. I’m also challenging myself to read 1 nonfiction book for every 3 fiction books I read. Most of these will probably be history related as I’m trying to complete a personal study plan on history next year.

THREE. Genre Bingo. I’m a sucker for genre challenges. I love reading a bit of everything each year. I used the bingo card generator to make my own card.

FOUR. Listopia – Tanya linked to this above and I immediately loved it. There are so many different lists on Goodreads that this is the perfect challenge to knock out many of my own personal reading goals. I’ll be reading from each of the following lists…

FIVE. I’m joining Tanya in challenging myself to read more Book Award Winners.

SIX. Swords and Stars Reading Challenge. 20 Categories, 20 Books. Mentioned by Tanya above, this one looks ah-mazing.

Are you participating in any reading challenges this year? Which ones? if you’re participating in #AMonthofFaves – add your blog post (or social media link) to the linky below.

(Photo by Kelli Tungay on Unsplash)