#AMonthofFaves This is How We Do Christmas

It’s a #AMonthofFaves [The 2018 Edition] hosted by Girlxoxo, Traveling with T and Estella’s Revenge. Today it’s all about how we rep the holidays. We love the holiday season and really enjoy decking our homes out to make them feel festive. Today we’re sharing the things that really make it feel like Christmas at home.
✩ KIM ✩
I love decorating for Christmas! My decorations are a mix of new and old, with many things that have been handed down from my mom. I usually like to decorate for Christmas and get the tree up the weekend of Thanksgiving. This year I thought maybe I’d just put a few things out but surprised myself and really went to town hanging garland and even decorating the porch.
We finished our basement this year so I set the Christmas tree up down there. I prefer white lights but after wrestling with four different strands and finding that none of them worked, I gave up and strung the tree with colorful lights. My boys were delighted to have a ‘rainbow tree’ so it all worked out.
I squeeze a bit of holiday into every corner of our house and was even brave enough to put out some of my favorite breakables this year.
Now that I have my bookcases back up, I had fun setting up more little figurines all around my book displays. We are not religious but I still love to have a nativity set up. I think they’re very beautiful. The one above, at the top of the photo, belonged to my mother.
The porch got a little makeover. Not sure that you can see it well but there is a little lighted Christmas tree out there that my husband made out of pallets for me a few years ago. After I took this photo my husband went out and hung the lights on the house. I should have taken another photo because our house has never looked more festive.
Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I tend to try and decorate our house as much as the budget will allow – adding a little bit more every year. My goal is to have a little Christmas in each and every room in the house. Last year, I shared that I always put up a Christmas village. It’s up again this year – with a few new additions – but let’s talk instead about having multiple Christmas Trees.
Every year, we get a live tree – usually my husband is pretty last minute with it, but he surprised me this year and got in the first weekend in December. It’s in our living room. The picture below shows it when looking out into the living room from the kitchen.
Since my 6 year-old niece is going to be here for Christmas, my son set up the train going around the tree … now if we can just get it to work!
We also have 3 artificial trees, including 2 pencil trees. Last year, I put them side by side in our dining room, which is at the front of the house and made them identical. This year, I changed up the location. Now, there’s one in a corner of our eat-in kitchen.
And the other is in the family room, (on the other side of the wall from the eat-in-kitchen). And this year, they are decorated differently.
Ummm …. excuse the picture frame in the chair 🙂
The other tree we have, is now in the dining room (right in front of the family room).
As you can see – still working on tree skirt and cords … but that’s real life for ya!
So … 4 Christmas Trees (not counting the 2 small 3 footers also in the living room … and the 1 still not yet put up in our bedroom). My husband said you know you have too many ornaments when you decorate 4 trees and don’t have to buy anything.
By the way – all trees are from Big Lots – the most reasonably priced artificial trees. Do you put up a real tree – or use artificial?
If you’re participating in #AMonthofFaves [The 2018 Edition] link up to your blog post (or Instagram picture) below.
I think your husband means “You know you have precisely the right amount of ornaments when…”
I loved this glimpse into your decorations. The tiny bear nativity is so adorable, and I love all the trees. Yay Christmas!
Tamara @ Traveling With T
Kim- loved your photos 🙂
Tanya- anytime you want to come decorate my house, just LMK 🙂 You’ve got some great decor!
I had a ceramic tree in college, but I don’t know what happened to it! (Probably left it at my parents’ who probably got rid of it when they moved…) Love the similar ginger bread house.
Probably the second thing I buy if I ever get a bigger place (after more bookshelves) is a second Christmas tree. Somehow, (like my book collection) my ornament collection keeps growing…
I love the holiday season too! Thank you both for sharing and for your posts all year long.