How has your reading year been? What types of books have you read? How much? Here’s how our bookish year unfolded.

No. of Books Read (… so far)

Kim – 23 – Ugh. My reading goal was 40. Last year I read 45 books.

Tanya – 45 / 52 which is about the same as last year. Last December I finished 7 books (same as the year before) – so I’m hoping I’m hoping to so the same thing again and make my goal.

Genre That Got the Most Love

Kim – Science Fiction (12) by far! I started reading a bunch of older sci-fi series and then I couldn’t stop.

Tanya – I read a lot more mystery (12) and fantasy (13) than I have in the recent past. Not far behind was contemporary / literary fiction (8), followed by Horror (Dark Fiction) – 6; Science Fiction – 4 and Historical Fiction – 1.

How We Read

Kim – Audiobooks – 13; physical books – 9; eBooks – 1

Tanya – To track this at Goodreads, I made a shelf for audiobooks, and another for eBooks. Everything else means I read the physical book. This year, Audiobooks ruled the roost – 29; eBooks – 2 and the rest, physical books – 14.

Books We DNF’d (Did Not Finish)

Kim – I shared 3 Books That Got The A(X)e This Year…So Far in September – The Kind Worth Killing, Peter Heller; The Golden Son, Shilpi Somaya Gowda and Shatter Me, Tahereh Mafi. Since then I’ve managed to finish everything I got at least three chapters into.

Tanya – I’ve only given up on 1 book – Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales – An Anthology edited by Edith Datlow. I mean – there’s only so many stories I can read about birds. There are a few other books I didn’t complete – yet – I’m hoping I’ll go back to them before the end of the year.

Month We Read the Least & the Most

Kim – In May I finished nothing but was busy with a new baby. In September I read 4 books.

Tanya – For May I finished no books 😣 but in September and November, I read 7 books.

When We Read

Kim – I get my biggest chunk read in the evening but only if I can stay awake. I listen to my audio books in the car or while doing boring household chores.

Tanya – Most of my reading has taken place in airports and on airplanes this year. I took 30 trips – most of which were by air. I also had a few 4-5 hour road trips, which also involved listening to audiobooks.

Fave Books of the Year (Just a Hint)

Kim – One of my favorite books this year was by that one author, who wrote that infamous YA vampire series.

Tanya – I have quite a few faves already this year. The one I’ll hint at was an Oprah Book Club selection in 2016 and the author also wrote a book about zombies (which I also loved).

So tell us about the highlight of your reading year. And if you’re participating in #AMonthofFaves, add your post to the linky below.
