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#AMonthofFaves This Is How We Read in 2022

This is the last day of #AMonthofFaves and today we’re talking about our reading life throughout 2022.


# of books: 52 – This is a sharp decrease from 65 books read last year, which was probably because of my reading slump in the Fall. The number of books is not important to me, however – I think I read a good mix of bigger books and short novellas. In fact, I think this year I read more novellas than I ever have in the past. The first book I finished this year was Riot Baby, Tochi Onyebucji (didn’t love it) and the last book I completed this year is Fairy Tale, Stephen King (loved it).

Number + % new vs old – 13 new releases (compared to 18 last year) and another 12 books were published the previous year (2021) which is about 50% of the total. This is similar to last year (46%).

Genres – Last year, the majority of my books have been fantasy/magical realism and it’s the same this year as I got into a few series, like the Secret McQueen (urban fantasy series) by Sierra Dean, A Court of Thorn and Roses, Sarah J. Maas and the Daevabad Trilogy, S.A. Chakraborty. Mystery and more horror novels than in recent years followed behind, but I read a little bit of a lot of different genres this year.

absolutely true diary of a part time indian

No. of Books with 5 stars – Only 12 this year – 20%, but there was also 19 – 4 star reads too.

No. of Books with 2 stars or less – A whopping 9 (almost 20%) were not books I loved. This is probably the most in recent years, and I’m not sure why.

Longest Book: House of Earth & Blood, Sarah J. Maas (803 pages)

Shortest Book: And What Can We Offer You Tonight, Premee Mohamed (80 pages)

across green grass field

In Summary – My reading followed last year when I read more series, and didn’t focus on “lists” of books to read. I also read more horror – a genre I love and I hope to continue that. I read less contemporary novels, and less mysteries than in years past – and had so much going on in life that in the Fall, I just did not feel like reading at all. This lasted 2 or 3 months and is the longest reading slump I’ve had in years. I never hope to go through that again!


# of books: 82 – Last year I pushed to read 100 books. I knew that realistically I wouldn’t hit that again this year. I also DNFed more books this year and went through a really horrible reading slump this Fall which is only now starting to lift.

Genres: According to Storygraph my most read genre this year was Fantasy followed by Mystery although it was pretty even between all my favorite genres. I didn’t read as many graphic novels as I usually do.

Longest Book: 501 Pages. Legendborn, Tracy Deonn. I listened to this on audio and was blown away. This is magic, fantasy, mythology, even history. I really enjoyed it.

Shortest Book: 112 pages. Lucky Girl, How I Became A Horror Writer: A Krampus Story by M. Rickert. This was a Netgalley book. It was an interesting book but had it been longer I probably would have abandoned it.

Most Read Author: T. Kingfisher. An author who has been around forever but was new to me. I ended up reading and LOVING four books by her this year.

Star Ratings: My average rating was 4.25 stars. I read so many great books this year that I had an extremely hard time narrowing it down to my favorites.

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In Summary: The first part of the year started out really strong for me but this Fall I struggled with lack of focus and couldn’t read because of it. After starting and stopping several books I finally gave in and allowed myself a brain break.

Plans for Next Year: Read what I want to. I know we host some popular challenges but this might be the first year that allow myself to not worry about completing them.

How was your reading year? How many books did you read? What was your most read genre?