#AMonthofFaves Top 10 Blog Posts From GXO This Year

This is the 2nd year that Girlxoxo has been a team of 2 – Kim and Tanya. Co-blogging is awesome – especially since we really get each other and our no stress approach helps it still be fun for both of us. We each write our own posts, and then we do posts together. Below are the most popular posts written in 2017.
Top 10 Blog Posts on GXO in 2017
ONE. The Master List of 2018 Reading Challenges
❧ Tanya – This is the 2nd year we’ve been putting together this list, and just like last year, this is by far our most popular post.
TWO. 2018 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge Sign Ups
❧ Kim – We are pumped that there is so much love for our Monthly Motif Reading Challenge and really excited to host another year of the fun!
THREE. How to Track Reading Challenges With a Spreadsheet
❧ Tanya – This was one of those posts born out of necessity – for me to be able to more easily track the books I used and which reading challenges they were applicable to. Look for a 2018 update in January.
FOUR. Moving From a Work Bullet Journal to a Sugar Paper Planner in 2017
❧ Tanya – I have no idea why this post was so popular – maybe because bullet journaling is not sustainable for many people.
FIVE. Girlxoxo [Bookish]
❧ Tanya – This is a category of all our posts about books, and it’s nice to see this ranked so high up there, since this is what we mainly blog about. It’s also nice because we don’t write the traditional review for each book that we read, and instead we create lists – generated from what books made us think about.
SIX. #AMonthofFaves [The Blogger Love Edition]
❧ Tanya – Everybody loves recommendations of bloggers to check out it seems.
SEVEN. How I Find Time To Read {Day in the Life}
❧ Kim – I’m not the only one who’s fascinated by people’s routines. As you can see, my reading comes in short spurts that all add up to some good time each week. I’ll take it when I can get it.
EIGHT. 5 Serial Killer Point of View Books That We Hate to Admit We Like
❧ Kim – Well it’s not just routines people are fascinated with- it’s also serial killers. And books that are from the point of view of the killer are even more enthralling.
NINE. Does Guessing the Plot Twist Affect How Much You Enjoy a Book?
❧ Tanya –I wonder if we can come up with more – not done to death – discussions in the upcoming year. This one was a hit!
TEN. 4 Thrillers By Female Authors You Won’t Be Able to Put Down
❧ Kim – I think thrillers are some of my absolute favorite books to read and these female authors wrote some great ones. Stephanie Meyer? Yeah- Didn’t see that one coming
What We Learned From the Top Blog Posts
The above just shows the top blog posts that were published this year. Mixed in were other posts from previous years, and that’s what we’re using to take lessons learned.
- Journal and planner posts are still pretty popular – the Journaling category and 5 Awesome Guided Journals are still tops on the blog
- Reading challenges and The Master List of Book Blogging Memes are in high demand – as well as bookishness in general. The meme post needs an update (coming in January)
- Discussion posts – we need more!
What was the most popular post on your blog? Were there any surprises in your Top 10? If you’re participating in #AMonthofFaves – add your blog post (or social media link) to the linky below.
(Photo by Thomas Charters on Unsplash)
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