Author: Kim
A Non-Fiction Nightly Routine
Years ago I read a lot of non-fiction, much of it historical in nature. But then I got involved in book blogging and got caught up in all the hype surrounding popular fiction. I stopped reading non-fiction but always really missed it. So I’ve made a goal to resurrect my non-fiction reading habits this year.…
Monthly Motif February Check-In [Cover Love]
It’s the month of love and the perfect time to read a book simply because you adore the cover. It’s okay to be a little spontaneous and reckless and, maybe, not even check the synopsis first! Okay, maybe just a peek. What books are going to get a little love this month? Welcome to the…
10 Things [From Kim] This Month
Inspired by the 5 Random Things This Weekend during #AMonthofFaves, Tanya and I decided it might be fun to share 10 things from each month that made the month stand out for us. Here’s mine for January…
Monthly Motif January Check In [New To You Author]
Hello!! Welcome to the first check in post for the 2019 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! We’re looking forward to a year of stretching our reading wings and discovering some really great books! Hopefully you’ll diversify your reading in lots of different ways while participating each month. Let’s get to it!
5 Random Things This Weekend #AMonthofFaves
Happy Monday! It’s the second week of #AMonthofFaves [The 2018 Edition] hosted by Girlxoxo, Traveling with T and Estella’s Revenge. Today’s prompt is to share a day/week in the life or just some highlights from your weekend. So here are 5 Random Things that made up my weekend…
Wrapping It Up {Monthly Motif Dec Check In}
Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your November Family book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to December {Wrapping It Up}.
My Grown Up Advent Calendar + 3 Other Favorites
I’m a big fan of coffee but this past year I’ve found myself getting more into tea drinking. I enjoy having a mug of tea at the end of the day when I’m winding down with my book or some other project. I still feel like a tea newbie in that I just buy what…
2019 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge
Welcome to the 2019 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! This challenge runs from JANUARY 1, 2019 – DECEMBER 31, 2019 ~ For this challenge, each month of the year is assigned a motif or theme. Your task is to read one book per month that fits in with the assigned motifs…
Family {Monthly Motif Nov Check In}
Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your October {New or Old} book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to November {Family}.
3 #WickedGoodReads With Creepy Old Houses
I really love a good haunted house book. I mean, I’m attracted to them like a moth to a flame. I don’t know why but it just feels doubly ominous when in-animated objects are possessed. Last night hubs had his hand in the garbage disposal fishing something out and it made me think of this…