Author: Kim
Crack The Case {Monthly Motif Jun Check In}
Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your April {Read Locally} book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to May {Book to Screen}…
5 Book to Movie (or TV) Adaptations We Can’t Believe We Haven’t Watched Yet
There are some really great book to movie adaptations out there right now! Here are a few that we can’t believe we haven’t seen yet…
Reading From The Bestsellers List [Ready Player One]
Ready Player One, Ernest Cline is currently sitting at spot #2 on the NYT Best Sellers List! This is really no surprise considering the movie just came out. I probably won’t get to see it in the theater so I added it to my Netflix cue and now I’m waiting very impatiently.
Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Recap
On Saturday I participated in Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon. I’ve been participating in this readathon as much as I can for years and I really have fun with it. In recent years it’s been harder to spend an hour reading uninterrupted, much less 24 hours, but I’m pretty proud of how I did this time around…
Book To Screen {Monthly Motif May Check In}
Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your APRIL – Read Locally book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to May {Book to Screen}…
These Are a Few of Our Favorite Spring Reads
Choosing what to read this spring has reminded us of some great books we read last spring! Here are our top four books from this time last year that we loved and highly recommend that you pick up – if you haven’t yet.
Easy Memory Keeping From Your Phone
It’s a great time to pick up a more efficient way to save those precious family memories all year long! It’s really easy to do a bit of memory keeping straight from your phone…
Read Locally {Monthly Motif Apr Check In}
Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your March {Travel The World} book reviews to the link up. Now, on to April {Read Locally} …
What An Archivist Can Teach You About Organizing Your Digital Files
In another life (before my stay at home mama days) I worked in a university library. My specific title was Digital Projects and Oral History Coordinator. I worked in the digitization branch of the archives. In my office we were responsible for converting everything (slides, reel to reels, paper, photographs, paintings, etc.) held in the…
100 Days of Memory Keeping #The100DaysProject
This year I’ll be participating in The 100 Days Project which is simply defined as “a free, global art project that anyone can participate in.” The project starts April 3 and ends July 11. My plan is to complete 100 Days of Memory Keeping…