Author: Kim
My January Reset Challenge Recap
In January I decided to participate in the Recap Challenge hosted by Amy of Lemon and Raspberry. The idea was to do three things: Reflect on 2015 Think about the Here and Now Look Forward
My Top Memory Keeping Methods of 2015
I’m big on memory keeping. I try to save a bit of the little every day memories right along with the big events too. I have several favorite ways to do this. These are my favorites for 2015.
Last Things Last {Rituals and Routines}
I always find the routines and rituals of other people completely fascinating. Do you? Yesterday Tanya took you through her “firsts” of each day. Today I’m taking you through my “lasts” …
#ReadThis 3 Chillingly Snowbound Thrillers
The theme for the 2016 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge in January is #Whodunnit. A snowy setting can really add to the mystery of a book and also adds an extra bit of frosty drama that we love. Here are some of our favorite snowbound thrillers…
How I Plan to Make 2016 Rock
I’m not sure what it is but I just have this feeling that 2016 might top 2015 for me. And because I’m a firm believer that we create the life we live (even through hardships we can stay positive) I’ve jotted down a few things that are going to be really important in making 2016…
5 Awesome Guided Journals
Lately I’ve been using Penzu, an online journal, to type up my thoughts. Penzu is great when I really have a lot on my mind that I need to get out. But what I really love is guided journals. If you think you just don’t have time to journal, you might want to consider one…