Author: Tanya Patrice
October = #WickedGoodReads (Join Us)
Every October here on GXO we host #WickedGoodReads Month where we post about books with wicked people, wicked creatures, wicked places and dangerous things and we’re inviting you to join us as we post M, W and F – from October 5-30, 2020. Here’s what we’ll be writing about. #WickedGoodReads M5 – Murder (or Mystery),…
Keyword Connect [Eye]
Pick any of the keywords for this month from the Monthly Keyword Challenge and make connections. This month choices are Star, Cry, She, Window, Forever, Eye. My choice – EYE. 1 – EYE. For the September Key Word Challenge, I decided to read Little Eyes, Samanta Schweblin – Translated (from Spanish) by Megan McDowell which…
The Big Books of Summer 2020
For the past 8 years, Book by Book has hosted the Big Books of Summer Challenge, with the goal of challenging readers to read at least 1 book that’s 400+ pages. I think this might be my 5th year doing the challenge – not sure – but every year I look forward to doing it.…
Readers Imbibing Peril XV and #WickedGoodReads 2020 [The To Be Read List]
The last few months of the year is a wonderful time for pulling out all the dark, mysterious and creepy books – especially because of events like Readers Imbining Peril and #WickedGoodReads Month in October. Readers Imbibing Peril – RIP XV This event now hosted on Twitter | Instagram runs from September 1-Oct. 31st and…
3 Books To Read for #SciFiSeptember
I don’t know if #SciFiSeptember is a thing – but it totally should be! And of course, we have some recommendations for you. War Girls, Tochi Onyebuchi The year is 2172. Climate change and nuclear disasters have rendered much of earth unlivable. In a war-torn Nigeria, battles are fought using flying, deadly mechs and soldiers…
Monthly Book Award Reading Challenge [September Check In]
Welcome to the September 2020 check-in for the Book Awards Reading Challenge. This month’s task is to read a book (or books) that WON an award in SEPTEMBER. Then link up to where you posted about it in the comments, on our Goodreads GXO Reading Challenge group or on Instagram using the hashtag #GXOAwardReadingChallenge. And don’t forget to update your 2020 Reading Challenges…
August Fa(V)orites
What are some of your favorite moments, activities or things you enjoyed this month? My 5 faves this month include something old and something(s) new! ONE+Tovolo Lid Lifters – I never knew such an item existed?! Did you? Why didn’t you tell me?! You just put one of the cute little silicone animals on a…
6 Amazing (Y)oung Adult Stand Alone Novels
A series of books is really an investment, and sometimes, if you’re anything like me, you just want a “one and done” read. Just one book, and then maybe it will need to another by the author, or another in the same genre … or just another book that’s completely different. I’m here to share…
Books That Got the A(X)e [DNF 2020]
Traditionally, it’s very hard for me to give up on a book. If I’m not feeling it, I’ll put it down and come back to it later, try to skim read through some of it – but these books, in the end – I couldn’t imagine picking it up to read even 1 more page…