Author: Tanya Patrice
6 Awesome (G)ateway Books Into Magical Realism #SummerAtoZ
Magical Realism in books is where magic exists in an otherwise mundane World … and I’m not above wishing that this kind of thing really exists! If you’re new to the genre, here are 6 of my favorite books that will rope you into the World of Magical Realism for sure.
Amazon Best Books of July 2018
Every month Amazon puts out a list of Best Books of the Month, and every month, I troll that list and select a few that I’ll add to my reading list. The list this month has quite a few historical non-fiction novels – on the story of the ship that delivered parts of the atomic…
How We Track Reoccurring Household (E)xpenses Using a Shared Google Spreadsheet #SummerAtoZ
Instead of using an app to track our expenses, my husband and I opted to create a simple shared Google Spreadsheet so that we could both access it anytime we want. We started doing this in 2015 (when this post was first published), but we’ve kept up with it, with only minor tweaks. The main…
(C)ooking the Books: Taste of Home Magazine [The 30 Minute Meals Edition] #SummerAtoZ
Do you still buy magazines? I don’t buy them much anymore … except for cooking magazines. I love that the recipes in them are for entire meals – unlike cookbooks that tend to just feature one dish. One magazine purchase that’s now dog-eared from use is Taste of Home Magazine – The 30-Minute Meals Edition.…
July #BookBlogger Events
One of the most awesome things about the book blogging community is all the events that you can participate in. Here are a few that you can join in July.
(A)udiobooks Currently on Hold at the Library #SummerAtoZ
What books do you have in your library cue? June is Audiobook Month and #iloveaudiobooks …. there’s always one going. The library is one of my sources of audiobooks, and here’s what’s on hold in my queue.
Amazon Best Books of June 2018
Every month Amazon puts out a list of Best Books of the Month, and every month, I troll that list and select a few that I’ll add to my reading list. The list this month has a couple of debut novels, novels from best-selling authors, science fiction – weird apocalypse, sequels non-fiction novels on hereditary…
June #BookBlogger Events
One of the most awesome things about the book blogging community is all the events that you can participate in. Here are a few that you can join in June.
Tech 3 [Google Assistant, Password Management and Windows]
Here’s 3 useful tech tips that we used recently.