Best Changes We Made To Our Everyday Lives #AmonthofFaves2016

I think we’re both routine kinda girls. They keep us focused and grounded. That being said, sometimes you have to change things up a bit. Here are a few changes we’ve made to our everyday lives this year…Kim –  What I Loved … I switched up my evening routine this summer and I loved it. I still find cooking dinner to be a form of ‘me’ time and I take advantage of that time to listen to my audiobook.

What I Changed … This summer I was also doing my yoga practice every evening. Not anymore. I’ve moved mat time to the day and I’m getting my little man involved. He absolutely loves what he calls “tumble time.”

When I wrote Last Things Last I was still teaching dance. I ‘retired’ at the end of last year and I honestly love having that extra evening at home. I’m still leaving the house three nights a week to hit up the library for study time but I honestly can’t remember the last time I had enough energy to stay up and watch a show. Sigh.

What’s Coming Next …

I felt a bit like I was floundering in 2016. I don’t feel as though I accomplished much by way of personal goals. I truly hope to turn this around in 2017 and I think establishing some new routines is where I need to start.

Everyday Essentials – Quiet time to myself before I talk to anyone in the morning is a must for me.

I drink one cup of coffee a day and usually a cup of tea in the afternoon or evening.

I plan my day with my bullet journal the night before and then look it over and adjust first thing the next morning.

I almost always have my ipod on the dock and playing every afternoon. I find it keeps me awake through those last, difficult hours of the day before dinner and it keeps me in a good mood.

What changes did you make in 2016? Or what’s one thing you plan on changing in 2017?
