Big Book Summer Reading [The 2017 Edition]

Every summer, we participate in the Big Book (S)ummer Reading Challenge hosted by Book By Book where the goal is to read at least 1 400+ page book. Here’s how we did this summer.

Tanya – Last year I totally rocked this challenge with 6 books, but this year, I finished only 3 – which I would be more OK with if all of them were stellar. I read …

The Thirst (Harry Hole #11), Jo Nesbo

467 pages. Loved 👍 👍 The Harry Hole series is one of my favorite all time long running series of books. The Thirst is the latest book in the series, and it did not disappoint. The crime is crazier than usual, and the solving of it is just as crazy a ride. My favorite thing about this series is how the author spends time developing the characters so we feel invested – and disgusted.

Fave Author New Books

The Bone Witch, Rin Chupeco

411 pages. Just … no 👎. This book is full of lush, beautiful descriptions and is set in a very imaginative World. But descriptions along cannot make for an interesting book, and while I did end up getting into the story a little bit as the story progresed, I’ll say it took some effort and a determined few months, to make it to the end. The first half bored me to tears, and frankly, even at the end, I’m still not sure if I understand what the heck happened!

The Bone Witch Book

(Image: The Paperback Pilgrim)

Second Life, S.J. Watson

425 pages. Loved 👍 👍. The ending was terrible – let’s just get this out there right up front. It left things unresolved and was, in my opinion, a cop out by the author. But it did leave me thinking about the choice the main character had to make long after I was through reading. Other than the ending, I really enjoyed this thriller. It was fast paced, intriguing and the moral dilemmas faced were well played out.

second life book

Kim – I love this challenge. 400+ pages is not too bad for me and not impossible to get a few of these in each summer. Like Tanya, I’m finished 3 books.

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2), Leigh Bardugo

536 pages. 👍👍 Honestly, I love everything Leigh Bardugo writes and Crooked Kingdom was no exception. These characters!! On audio they really came alive. I can’t wait to see how this series continues.

The Trespasser (Dublin Murder Squad #6), Tana French.

the trespasser book

449 pages. 👎 Okay, so not one of my favorite books by Tana French. Kinda sad because I usually love this series. I skipped The Secret Place (you don’t have to read them in order) so I’ll be going back to that and hoping it’s better.


Beartown, Fredrik Backman

432 pages. 👍👍 This is another gem from Backman. I really enjoyed this heartfelt story and got completely pulled in.

What big book have you read lately?

(Image Credit)