Book To Screen {Monthly Motif May Check In}

Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your APRIL – Read Locally book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to May {Book to Screen}…

Book to Screen

“Read a book that’s been made into a movie or a TV show. For an added challenge, see the show and compare the two.”

Also to get you started, check out…

Book to Movies

5 Book to Movie Adaptations I’m Most Excited About

Our Choices

❧ Kim … It was actually the buzz about the movie adaptation that clued me into the book, Red Sparrow, Jason Matthews and now I want to read it. I’m kind of a sucker for spy thrillers.

In present-day Russia, ruled by blue-eyed, unblinking President Vladimir Putin, Russian intelligence officer Dominika Egorova struggles to survive in the post-Soviet intelligence jungle. Ordered against her will to become a “Sparrow,” a trained seductress, Dominika is assigned to operate against Nathaniel Nash, a young CIA officer who handles the Agency’s most important Russian mole.

[Buy Red Sparrow @ Amazon]

❧ Tanya … I’ve been meaning to read The Dinner, Herman Koch forever, and now I’ve finally put it to the forefront.

It’s a summer’s evening in Amsterdam, and two couples meet at a fashionable restaurant for dinner. Between mouthfuls of food and over the polite scrapings of cutlery, the conversation remains a gentle hum of polite discourse – the banality of work, the triviality of the holidays. But behind the empty words, terrible things need to be said, and with every forced smile and every new course, the knives are being sharpened.

[Buy The Dinner @ Amazon]


Remember to use the linky below to link up to your reads for this month and make sure to check out the other links as well!