Book’d Out [March 2021]

How was your month in books? Which book was your favorite? Did you participate in any reading events? Work on any of your reading challenges? Here’s a look at what we’ve read this month.


I read less books in March than the previous 2 months but made it through 5 books and completed the 3 reading challenges we host. I think it’s because I started the month off with a book that didn’t thrill me – Djinn City, Saad Hossain. I did have mostly fantastic books this month though. The first one I mentioned a few weeks ago in Reading Lately – New BooksA Master of Djinn, P. Djeli Clark which will be released in May this year. When it comes out – you absolutely need to get it! Love … love …. love!

master of djinn

The next book I really loved was an audio of the historical fiction novel, The Rose Code, Kate Quinn. ALL the books I’ve read by Quinn are just brilliant! Last summer I read The Borgia Chronicles series and The Huntress, so when I saw The Rose Code was coming out this year, I just had to get at it as soon as possible, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Another favorite from this month was this year’s winner of The Story Prize, The Secret Loves of Church Ladies, Deeshaw Philya. – It “explores the raw and tender places where black women and girls dare to follow their desires and pursue a momentary reprieve from being good.

  • No. of books read in March: 6
  • Also read this month: The Russian Cage, Charlaine Harris and a re-read of Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman. The audiobook is narrated by the author and it is just the BEST. Neverwhere is one of my favorite books and I chose to listen to it again for the Monthly Keyword Challenge.

+ KIM +

Another slow reading month for me. I leaned heavily on novellas and graphic novels while also trying to fit in as much Middle Grade as I could for #middlegrademarch

The first book I finished in March was The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise, Dan Geimenhart. The story follows a 12 year old Coyote and her dad, Rodeo. Ever since the death of her mom and two sisters they’ve been living out of an old school bus and traveling all over the country. This was a sweet coming of age story and I enjoyed it even if I did feel that a couple chapters dragged a bit.

Sticking with Middle Grade I also read the graphic novel When Stars are Scattered, Victoria Jamieson that is about two brothers growing up in a refugee camp in Kenya. I learned a lot from this GN and enjoyed the message of hope even in the darkest times. Last year I read New Kid, Jerry Craft and this year I picked up its sequel, Class Act. Again, a graphic novel and a great one for readers to pick up. 

I started a handful of other books, but at the time of writing this post, I haven’t yet finished any. We’ll see what I can manage to wrap up by the time this post goes live! Hopefully a couple of others because I still need to finish my challenge books!

How many books do you typically read in a month? What was your favorite book read this month?