Brainstorming Your 2018 Goals [Free Printable]

Now that you’ve done an end of year review / reflection, it’s time to set some new goals for the new year. What areas of your life could use some extra attention? Below is a free printable list that I used to set goals for 2018.

Brainstorming Your 2018 Goals

2018 Goals

Download: Your 2018 Goals Printable. The categories – with examples of what to think of when setting your goals:

  1. Health & Wellness – exercise regularly, drink enough water daily, take your multivitamins, eat at least the daily requirements of fruits and vegetables, go to regular doctor and dentist appointments
  2. Self Care – dress up, get regular (e.g. quarterly) pampering – e.g. massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, pay attention to grooming – hair, face etc.
  3. Personal Development – how are you going to grow as a person – be more knowledgeable about other people, cultures, the World and your environment? e.g. read memoirs, non-fiction.
  4. Fun & Adventure – plan local adventures, trips with friends, travel
  5. Family Relationships – family game nights, spend more time with spouse, talk to or visit parents / siblings often.
  6. Social Relationships – take time for your friendships, put yourself out there to meet new people.
  7. Finances – how much will you save? how often? are you tracking your finances? Is there anything you can do to spend less?
  8. Home Improvement – do you want to improve upon your living space? de-clutter? clean more regularly? any projects you want to tackle?
  9. Professional Development – what courses can you take to increase knowledge in your field?
  10. Professional Network – how can you make more contacts in your profession? Connect more with people at your job>
  11. Spirituality – how can you better nourish your relationship with God (or any other deity you believe in)?
  12. Creativity – are there any new hobbies you want to try? how can you improve on your existing creative endeavors?
  13. Volunteer – seek out volunteer opportunities – give of yourself, your time or $$.

To get even more ideas for goal setting this year – check out this video of 50 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2018 – Lavendaire (YouTube)

I’m using Lavendaire’s 2018 Artist of Life Workbook to plan my year and stay accountable.


Don’t forget to Download: Your 2018 Goals Printable. What are some of the goals you’ll be working on in 2018?