Category: Organizing
Functional Plan With Me [May 2019]
I’ve wanted to do this sort of functional plan with me post for a while. I’ve watched many of the “Plan WIth Me” videos on Youtube, but they focus more on the design of bullet journals and planners. This one focuses more on the functional aspect – planning for the upcoming month.
#PlanWithMe 2019 All the Planners, Apps and Spreadsheets
I probably like the process of planning more than the actual carrying out of all the plans, but this year I’m taking everything I’ve learned over the last few years and really buckling down and focusing. I usually plan out the year, each quarter, month and week … and these are all the planning tools…
Organizing Solutions for Over-sized Kitchen Silverware Drawers
I recently read somewhere about how we sometimes live with small annoying things for a long time before actually doing something about it. That stuck with me because as a relatively new homeowner – 1 year (plus a few months) in – there’s a long list of small, but nagging things that I’d like to…
Take A (P)eek In My Custom (P)lanner #SummerAtoZ
Over the years I’ve tried countless planners. Some have worked better than others but they’ve all come just slightly short of what I really needed from them. I played around with bullet journaling because I liked that I could set it up how I wanted but then it just took too much time to set…
How We Track Reoccurring Household (E)xpenses Using a Shared Google Spreadsheet #SummerAtoZ
Instead of using an app to track our expenses, my husband and I opted to create a simple shared Google Spreadsheet so that we could both access it anytime we want. We started doing this in 2015 (when this post was first published), but we’ve kept up with it, with only minor tweaks. The main…
Tech 3 [Google Assistant, Password Management and Windows]
Here’s 3 useful tech tips that we used recently.
10 Apps We Use On A Daily Basis
We both use our phones as tools to help us stay organized and on top of things on a daily basis. The apps that help us get ‘er done are …
Spring Screens
What’s on your computer and phone screen? What’s your desktop look like – is it time for a Tech spring clean? Here’s how ours are looking as we change them this Spring.
What An Archivist Can Teach You About Organizing Your Digital Files
In another life (before my stay at home mama days) I worked in a university library. My specific title was Digital Projects and Oral History Coordinator. I worked in the digitization branch of the archives. In my office we were responsible for converting everything (slides, reel to reels, paper, photographs, paintings, etc.) held in the…
5 Major Tools To Help You Stay Organized and On Top of Everything
The perfect combination of tools for organizing work and life will look different for each of us, so although the ones listed below are what have improved my work routines, they are universal and can probably be incorporated into yours.