Category: Journaling
My Bullet (J)ournal Essentials
I use my bullet journal for work, and as such, I’ve tried to keep my system very simple. I also travel for work, so my supplies can’t take up too much space. Here’s what I’m using now.
How I Use a Sugar Paper Planner as a Bullet Journal For Work
At the start of the year, I switched from a Work Bullet Journal to a Sugar Paper Planner. I’m still using a bullet journal based system, and it has been working out really well. Here’s how I use it for work.
Moving From a Work Bullet Journal to a Sugar Paper Planner in 2017
I used a disc bound bullet journal as my planner last year and developed a nice system over time, as you can see from my quarterly updates. But, I wanted to try something new this year and I’m going to be using a 2017 Sugar Paper (for Target) White Weekly Planer.
Digital Memory Keeping Tools I Use
I try really hard to keep up with memory keeping. It can be hard to find the time. Lately there are three tools that I’ve been using that have helped me be able to stay on top of it…
New Guided Journals I’m Loving
There are two main things that occupy my mind right now. 1. Taking care of my family and being a mom and 2. Staying focused on self care and accomplishing my personal goals. I found two guided journals that are perfect to help me do just that…
Bullet Journal Setup {2017 Winter Edition}
Kim – I’ve only been using my bullet journal for about six months but I knew I wanted to make some major changes with the start of the new year. Here’s how I set things up…
3 (M)emory Keeping Methods for Your Summer Adventures #SummerAtoZ
I feel like summer is this awesome time of adventure. I’m more motivated to get out and try new things or see places I’ve never seen. It’s a great time for memory creating and keeping. Here are three fun – and ridiculously easy – ways to record those summer memories:
20 Summer (J)ournaling Prompts #SummerAtoZ
Summer is one of my favorite times to journal and write. I love sitting out on my patio in the evening with a notebook in my lap. I think summer invites a lot of dreaming, reminiscing, and general memory keeping magic. Here are a few (J)ournal prompts (#SummerAtoZ) to help you get started in recording…
4 Story Ideas to Record {1 Second Everyday App}
I recently stumbled upon this really fun app called 1 Second Everyday. The idea behind it is to record 1 second of video every day. You can then compile your 1 second shorts into one longer video. You can add an image in the place of video if you like too. I’ve had so much…
My January Reset Challenge Recap
In January I decided to participate in the Recap Challenge hosted by Amy of Lemon and Raspberry. The idea was to do three things: Reflect on 2015 Think about the Here and Now Look Forward