Creepy, Chilling, & Frightful {Monthly Motif Sept Check In}

I think it’s safe to say that this motif is right up there at the top of our list of favorite types of reads. We’ve got some great recommendations for you this month so happy reading!
Creepy, Chilling, & Frightful
“Cozy mystery Ghost stories, paranormal hauntings, murder mysteries, weird and scary creatures…it’s up to you!”
Each October we host a fun event here on the blog called #WickedGoodReads. You might want to check out our past posts for some great book ideas.
Some of my favorites are…
3 Wicked Good Books With Witches
Wicked Good Reads : The Zombie Edition
Wicked Good Books With Creepy Small Towns
and for even more ideas try…
3 Sources for Creepy, Scary, Wicked Good Reads
Don’t forget to comment on this post telling us which book you read for this theme!
Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination
I was really in the mood for some classic Sherlock Holmes mysteries this month, so I read ‘The Return Of Sherlock Holmes!
I have just finished “Keeper of the castle” by Juliet Blackwell. It’s a nice cozy mistery with 2 ghosts.
Mine was a little disappointing book of scary stories from around the world –
Dorothy Dickerson
Okay think I’ll get a jump on next months theme now. I’ve annoyed myself with some of these stories that I usually love. But then I’ve gotten more than a fair share of stories with no obvious attempt at proofreading and correcting.
Tina Culbertson
Chilling and Frightening fits the bill with this latest Inspector Banks book. A wedding and a mass shooting – lots of action.
Dorothy Dickerson
Finished Spookshow by Tim McGregor only took a couple days.
Dorothy Dickerson
Whew, ok, trucking along. I just finished Lurk by Adam Vine. This is the place we are suppose to post this month’s motif right?
Dorothy Dickerson
I read Before The Harvest by Kimberly A. Bettes. A Jeepers Creepers knock off. Bad enough but after one line in particular I could no longer look at it as creepy. If not outright funny, then at least cheesy. Which is was….
Dorothy Dickerson
Finished reading Skin by Patrick Logan. Overall a good story. With flaws but still enjoyable. And gross.