(C)urrently Reading [#SummerAtoZ Edition]



Hey readers! Kim here with a little personal reading update. Right now I’m mostly concentrating on getting through my collection of Kindle books and trying to resist the urge to put a bunch of books on hold at the library. 

Killman Creek, Rachel Caine (Stillhouse Lake #2)

Gwen Proctor won the battle to save her kids from her ex-husband, serial killer Melvin Royal, and his league of psychotic accomplices. But the war isn’t over. Not since Melvin broke out of prison. Not since she received a chilling text… You’re not safe anywhere now. Her refuge at Stillhouse Lake has become a trap. Gwen leaves her children in the protective custody of a fortified, well-armed neighbor. Now, with the help of Sam Cade, brother of one of Melvin’s victims, Gwen is going hunting. She’s learned how from one of the sickest killers alive.

I am loving this series. After reading the first book, I couldn’t wait to get back to the story and see what could possibly happen now. Boy was I in for a thrilling ride. Killman Creek took up a major notch. This book was edgy, gruesome, and downright scary at times. A lot more action than book one and felt like a nonstop thrill ride.

What have you been reading lately?

(Photo by Charlota Blunarova on Unsplash)


One response to “(C)urrently Reading [#SummerAtoZ Edition]”

  1. […] the blog this week – Kim shared what she’s Currently Reading – we shared our favorite books of the year so far in The 2019 Mid-Year (B)ook Freak Out […]