December #BookBlogger Events

One of the most awesome things about the book blogging community is all the events that you can participate in. Here are a few that you can join in December.
December #BookBloggingEvents
Dec. 1-31. #AMonthofFaves 2019. Join Girlxoxo and Traveling with T in looking back at the year that was – sharing our fave experiences. We have everyday planned out for you, so you can join in anytime. There will also be a daily link-up on all our blogs, and we will be stopping by each and every post to leave comments, high fives, good vibes and well wishes.
Dec. 1-7, 2019. #ReadingAfrica Week. Catalyst Press is sponsoring #ReadingAfrica Week to bring attention to all of the writers who are doing all kinds of diverse and genre-spanning work from every corner of Africa. African writing is fiction, mystery, romance. It’s poetry, comic books, memoir. It’s works in translation, sci-fi, kid’s books. It’s all kinds of things, for all kinds of readers, and you can help us celebrate by tagging your posts with the hashtag #ReadingAfrica, across all social media platforms.
Dec. 2-8, 2019. Tis the Season Readathon (Youtube) | Instagram and Twitter. A holiday themed readathon with 5 reading challenges … but not all books have to be holiday themed.
Dec. 14-21. Oh What Fun ReadaThon (Youtube). Join in on Instagram (where there will be a photo challenge) and Twitter to share your holiday / wintery reads. There are 5 challenges on the Naughty list and 5 on the Nice list.
COMING – Not yet announced
Dec. 25 – 31. Top 10 of 2018. A list of reading prompts to help you recap your reading year.
+ #OhMyBookmasChallenge hosted by @ohmybookstagram – reppin’ the holiday season.
#JingleBooks – November and December @angelareadsbooks
#AmpersandDec19 hosted by @commasandampersands
#BookishConLifeDec19 hosted by @books.comics.funkos
#ACozyDecember2019 hosted by @rose.loves.books and @daniiwho
#CuddleUpWithDecember hosted by @bookishgirl89 and @booksnbeachgal
#lanjenbooksdec19 hosted by @lanaenbok and @jenlovebooks
#Cozyascanbee hosted by @the.cozy.bee
#12DaysofBookmas hosted by @samanthagoodwinauthor
#Awaywithmedecember19 hosted by @_awaywithwords_ and @thebookofhan
#Bestbooks19 hosted by @book.happy and @tracy_reads79
#bookishladiesdec19 hosted by @bookishladiesclub
What events are you participating in this month? Do you know of any other #bookblogger events happening in December?
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Hi Tanya 🙂 Thanks for being on top of yet another list!! The Top16of2016 isn’t mine, though, it’s Kimberly’s at Kimberly Fay Reads :
Have a great week and happy reading 🙂
Tanya Patrice
@Lexxie Thanks!