Diversify Your Reading {Monthly Motif Jan Check In}

Here we are at the start of another Monthly Motif challenge! (It’s not too late to join up here on the sign up post!) What better way to begin the year, and the challenge, than with a chance to add some diversity to your reading…
Diversify Your Reading
“Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, or sexual orientation other than your own.”
You only need to read one book but there are just so many ways to interpret this theme that you may as well diversify all your reading this month! Here are some suggestions to get you started…
✤ 4 Reading Recommendations to Add Diversity to Your Book Club Reads
✤ 5 MORE Fiction Recommendations to Add Diversity to Your Book Club Reads
✤ 3 Awesome Non-Western Cultural Fantasy Books
Remember to use the linky below to link up to your reads for this month!
What direction did you take the motif this month?
Sue at Book By Book
I read several books last month with diverse characters or authors, but I chose Exit West to fit the challenge – the two main characters are Muslims from an unnamed war-torn country. if you haven’t yet read this amazing 7 creative novel, I highly recommend it!
Book By Book
I read ‘The Hate U Give’ and it certainly lived up to all the hype it has been given.
Tanya Patrice
@William – Totally agree – I hate to say it, but I was surprised. So much hype – but … and … so good.
Tina Culbertson
I see some good suggestions for future reading here. I made it in at the last minute with White Teeth by Zadie Smith.
Dorothy Dickerson
Just finished Night by Elie Wiesel. Took me quite a while to finish because it really is overwhelming to read a firsthand experience of something so traumatic, and also both me and my daughter has been sick with the flu and it’s really worn me down. Hoping you guys stay healthy! This year has been a bad one for the flu. Keep safe, fellow readers.
Kate @ Parchment Girl
I’m reading Just Mercy right now. I’m not that far into it, but I’m really enjoying it so far. Bryan Stevenson is such an engaging narrator.
Kimberly Lynne
That one looks good. Excited to see how you end up liking it.