Diversify Your Reading {Monthly Motif Jan Check In}

Here we are at the start of another Monthly Motif challenge! (It’s not too late to join up here on the sign up post!) What better way to begin the year, and the challenge, than with a chance to add some diversity to your reading…

Diversify Your Reading

“Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, or sexual orientation other than your own.”

You only need to read one book but there are just so many ways to interpret this theme that you may as well diversify all your reading this month! Here are some suggestions to get you started…

reading diversity

4 Reading Recommendations to Add Diversity to Your Book Club Reads

5 MORE Fiction Recommendations to Add Diversity to Your Book Club Reads

3 Awesome Non-Western Cultural Fantasy Books

Remember to use the linky below to link up to your reads for this month!

What direction did you take the motif this month?

