Friday Five

Kim here. How is it already mid-November? I waffle between being overly stressed/tired and loving the heck out of this time of year. It’s busy and a lot but I do love the energy, the bustle, the joy. So tell me- are you team Put-Up-the-Christmas-Tree BEFORE or AFTER Thanksgiving? We always do it Thanksgiving weekend because we’re all together and it’s a fun way to round out the holiday weekend. But I do love blasting Christmas music from right after Halloween clear until New Years!

ONE. The 2023 Monthly Motif and Monthly Key Word Reading Challenges have been announced! We are hosting here on the blog, on Instagram, on Storygraph, and on our Goodreads Group. We hope you will join us for another year of reading!
TWO. I posted a Book Stack to Instagram earlier this week and asked you all to tell me which books I should prioritize reading before the end of the year. You did not disappoint! Firekeeper’s Daughter got the most votes so I will be bumping that up to the top of the stack and reading it after I finish my current library books.
THREE. Earlier this fall I ordered two bookish t-shirts and a coffee mug from Book Babe Designs. They are so stinking cute!! I have to give a shout out and encourage you to do some small business holiday shopping from her shop. She just launched her first ever Book Babe Designs Box and it is sooo awesome! It includes the most adorable Reading Journal and a whole bunch of other goodies you are going to love.

FOUR. At the beginning of November I got the bright idea to set up a puzzle table in our living room. I figured we’d work on puzzles whenever the mood strikes from now until the end of the year. We finished this 500 piece Merry Moonlight Skaters puzzle the other day and I have this Wintry Cats one coming in the mail soon. We’ve always been puzzle fans and I’ve been trying to choose puzzles that the kids can help a bit on too. So far it’s been fun!
FIVE. Lastly, filed under highly anticipated events we have the upcoming release of the Criminal Minds Reboot!! Eee! I have loved this show for forever so I am really excited to see it getting a reboot. Just check out this TRAILER! I cannot wait. Basically the best crime show ever made. I’ll fight you on that one!
That’s all folks. Enjoy your weekend. I hope you’re not freezing your nibs off in your area like we are here. But if you are, I give you permission to curl up with your favorite blanket and book and ignore life for a few hours. Cheers.
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
I’m glad you are sponsoring another year of your challenge!
Thanks Deb!! I hope it’ll be another fun year of reading.