(H)ello Allow Us to Re-Introduce Ourselves

It’s Kim and Tanya Patrice here and we wanted to take a minute to re-introduce ourselves – and share this new design layout for Girlxoxo.com with you.


Start with a selfie. Hi – I’m Tanya Patrice. Around these parts I’m the website design tinkerer, and reader of all genres, but I especially love fantasy, horror, psychological thrillers, and mysteries. I occasionally read historical fiction, science fiction and contemporary / literary fiction, and I listen to a lot of audiobooks.

me black and white

Where do I call home. Florida as of Spring 2022 with my husband. I also have 2 step-sons – 22 and 18.

Online I’m most active. Here on GXO, Goodreads (in our Goodreads challenge group) and on Strava (for fitness).

Something I love doing in my area. Going to the beach – even in the Winter, because watching the sunrise while sipping a hot drink is the best way to start the day.

Beach Weather

Something I don’t usually share. Pictures of myself.

What I don’t brag about often enough. I have a PhD!

Something I’m proud of. Recently – did a 5K.

Hobbies. Reading, running, cycling, watching tv shows.

The last thing I did for fun. Yoga on the beach.

Popular things I don’t understand. Vision boards and gratitude lists (… and just to be clear – I’m VERY grateful everyday and can rattle off a list of 50 things at any moment).

Popular things I disagree with. The sentiment of “snitches get stitches.” This only benefits criminals – why does society buy into this?!

Popular things I agree with. The weekend.

Kate Quinn Books

Favorite Book Series from 10 years ago (2012). I started to write a list of books – and realized it was too long for here – so just the series – The Empress of Rome series, Kate Quinn. Phenomenal! And Kate Quinn has been a beloved author ever since then.

Current Favorite phrase. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready!!!


Start with a selfie. Hi! I’m Kim. Like Tanya, I’m a lover of all genres but I gravitate toward speculative fiction, graphic novels, fantasy, and science fiction/space operas. I’ll read the occasional non fiction book, romantic comedy or even a middle grade book.

Where do I call home. Northern Utah. I’ve lived here all my life even though I said I’d get out someday. I live with my husband and two boys, age 8 & 5. We also have a fuzzy, black rescue cat named Murphy.

Something I love doing in my area. We live right near the Wasatch Mountains so there is tons of really fantastic hiking all up and down the front. I’m spoiled and could never live anywhere that didn’t have mountains.

Hobbies. Gardening, hiking, cooking, teaching dance.

What’s Your Favorite songs and favorite type of music to listen to? As a dance teacher I’m always looking for that perfect song to choreograph to so I listen to everything. I went through a crazy punk/ska phase years ago, but my favorite genre these days is Alternative (bands like The Bleachers, Bastille, Walk the Moon, and Fitz & the Tantrums).

Something you love. Pie, donuts, coffee, sunshine, sarcasm, feminine tattoos, art history.

Something you hate. Small talk. Meeting new people- I always feel so awkward and it takes me a long time to warm up to someone before I feel I can be myself- plus, the small talk! ugh.

Online I’m most active. Here on GXO, Goodreads (in our Goodreads challenge group) and on Bookstagram.

Favorite Book Series from 10 years ago (2012). Graceling, Kristin Cashore

An unusual fact about me. I’ve been married and divorced once before. I met my second husband on a dating website. We grew up in neighboring small towns and found out while dating that we actually went to high school together ten years prior.

What I don’t brag about often enough. I’m have a Masters of Library Science and work as an adjunct professor teaching Information Literacy and Library Science at a University.

Both of us write on this website as a creative outlet and sharing our passions of reading and just trying to have a life well lived. We appreciate you stopping by and spending some of your time with us.