One of the most awesome things about the book blogging community is all the events that you can participate in. Here are a few that you can join in January.
January #BookBlogger Events
Jan. 1-31, 2018. Vintage Science Fiction Month. Read and post about “older than you are” science fiction and fantasy during the month. Well … books published in 1979 or older.Do it on your blog or use #VintageSciFi on social media.
Jan. 8-14, 2018. Bout of Books ReadaThon. A week long read-a-thon with challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize.
Jan. 1-31, 2018. A Winter’s Respite Read-a-Thon. A month of relaxed reading during which we can personally challenge ourselves and whittle away those ever looming TBR piles/shelves/libraries. So, no pressure…EVER! Enjoy!
Jan. 20-21, 2018. #24in48 Readthon. Beginning at 12:01 AM on Saturday morning and running through 11:59pm on Sunday night, participants read for 24 hours out of that 48 hour period. You can split that up however you’d like
Continued from last month …
Dec. 1 – Jan. 31, 2018. The 2018 Sci-Fi Experience. Write posts about science fiction related books you are reading, television shows or films you are watching, games you are playing or science fiction art you are appreciating.
Dec.1 – Feb. 28, 2018. Bookish Bingo: Winter 2017-18. There’s a new bingo card with 24 different categories. The object of the game is to get as many bingos as possible – and also to possibly expand your reading horizons. The only real rules are that you can only have one square per book, so no doubling up on challenges, and you can only count one DNF.
Major Book Awards in January
Jan. 3, 2018. The 2018 Tournament of Books finalists – start reading and picking your favorites to win the head to head battle. The competition commences in March.
Jan. 2, 2018. Costa Book Awards Finalists- the only major UK book prize open solely to authors resident in the UK and Ireland.
Jan. 18, 2017. Edgar Awards Nominees – annual award intended to honor “the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published the previous year.
Jan 22, 2018. National Book Critics Awards Finalists – for outstanding books in 6 categories – autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
Jan. 30, 2018. Costa Book Awards Winners – the only major UK book prize open solely to authors resident in the UK and Ireland.
What events are you participating in this month? Do you know of any other #bookbloggingevents happening in January?
One response to “January #BookBlogger Events [The 2018 Edition]”
[…] Check out all the January #BookBlogger Events happening this month. Which ones re you participating […]