June Is #AudiobookMonth [Here’s Where to Get FREE Audiobooks]

June is #AudiobookMonth and seeing as how we’re huge fans of Audiobooks here at GXO … we thought a list of freebies would be awesome for those who are new to Audiobooks – and for seasoned veterans like us who might want to check out new authors.

Where to Get Free Audiobooks during Audiobook Month

❉ At Audiobooks.com they’re celebrating Audiobook Month in a big way! Get your FREE copy of a premium title every Thursday in June! The free download period only lasts 24 hours, so add it to your library before time runs out.

❉ PLUS – sign up at Audiobooks.com and get a free 30 day trial and 1 audiobook ..Free. You’re going to need to put in billing information – so don’t forget to cancel before the 30 days is up – or enjoy their service of 1 audiobook per month for $14.95 billed monthly.

If you need some recommendations – check out our list of 5 Better Than the Books Audiobooks and 5 (More) Audiobooks That Are Better Than The Book.

Audiobook Loving

Audiobook SYNC is offering 2 Free Audiobook downloads each week from April 27 – August 16. These are pairs of high interest YA titles, based on weekly themes – usually 1 classic and 1 newer title.

audiobook sync 2017

Join the Library. Most libraries allow you to borrow eBooks and Audiobooks as part of your membership benefits. Consider joining multiple libraries – I belong to 2 – one near where I live and one close to where I work … which I joined primarily to have access to more audiobooks.

road trippin

❉ Try Audible.com FREE for the first 30 days. You get 1 credit to use on any book in their expansive catalog. It’s $14.95 per month after that and you get 1 credit per month.

Audible Audiobooks

Do you enjoy listening to audiobooks? What’s the last one you listened to (and enjoyed)?

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