Monthly Key Word

Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge 2020

Monthly Key Word

Hi friends! Welcome to the 2020 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge. Here’s a little background on this reading challenge:

I (Kim) started this challenge on my original book blog: Bookmark to Blog in 2013. When Tanya and I decided to join forces and co-blog here at I brought the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge with me but let Claudia of My Soul Called Life take over hosting for the Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge. Claudia later disappeared from the blogosphere 🙁 and no one could get in touch with her.  Bev from My Readers Block decided to keep the challenge going when she couldn’t get in contact with Claudia. She’s been running it for the past two years. Bev also hosts several other yearly reading challenges, so make sure you go check those out on her blog!

For 2020, the Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge is coming back to its roots. As its creator I’m very excited to have it back! Read below for the details on this challenge and we hope you’ll choose to join us for next year…


~ This is a monthly challenge that runs all year long from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

~ Six “key words” are given for each month. Your task is to read 1 book that includes one or more of the key words in the title.

~ The title you choose can be a variation on one of the key words. For example- your title could include the word ‘snowing’ or ‘snowflake’ even though the key word is ‘snow.’

~ Key words can be tweaked. For example- You could read “Cinder” or “Ashes” for the key word ‘Fire’. If the key word is ‘family’ then your title could include the word ‘sister’ or ‘mother.’ If the key word is ‘food’ then your title could include the word ‘cake.’ Use your best judgement and have fun with it!

~ Please link back to Girlxoxo, Tanya, or Kim any time you post about the challenge on your blog so that we can follow along with your progress!!

~ If you post what you’ve read to social media please use the hashtag #MonthlyKeyWordGXO .

~ New This Year: A check in post will be published at the end of each month where you can see what we read for the challenge and comment with the book you chose and a link to your review.


JANUARY – Water, This, Hello, Sun, New, Six

FEBRUARY – Girl, Any, Love, Red, Note, Throne

MARCH – Dream, Day, In, House, Luck, Friend

APRIL – Lost, Below, City, Jewel, Night, My

MAY – Sky, Name, Blue, Book, Enchant, Is

JUNE – And, Beach, Number, Wish, Down, Word

JULY – Boy, Last, Day, Into, Dear, Summer

AUGUST – Kiss, Flower, When, Happy, North, Right

SEPTEMBER – Star, Cry, She, Window, Forever, Eye

OCTOBER – Haunt, Around, Shadow, Grave, Murder, Deep

NOVEMBER – Look, Forest, Out, Color, Lock, Now

DECEMBER – Sword, Magic, Fly, Of, Silver, Crown


~ Sign up by commenting “COUNT ME IN” below, to participate – make sure you leave a link to your sign up post (or social media announcement) later on when you’ve posted about it! Announce your participation via your blog, Goodreads, or other social media platform using the hashtag #MonthlyKeyWordChallenge and link back to blog or Instagram (awesomerxoxo) & (chapter_adventure).

*NOTE– We are doing away with linky’s because they have become more pain than they’re worth. You’ll need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to find the comment box to use instead of a linky button. Thanks!!


163 responses to “Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge 2020”

  1. […] any of the keywords for this month from the Monthly Keyword Challenge, or the Monthly Motif Challenge, and make connections. This month choices are Girl, Any, Love, Red, […]

  2. Can’t tell in the comments if I ever added one with my sign up post on instagram, so here it is!

  3. […] to February, the second month of the 2020 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge! Just a reminder that we’ve created a Goodreads GXO Reading Challenge group where you can ask […]

  4. […] One of my reading goals this year was to join in the 2020 monthly key word challenge hosted by Kim & Tanya of […]

  5. […] Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge – 1/12 books […]

  6. Heather Avatar

    For the Monthly Key Word challenge this month I read The Water Cure by Sophie Mackintosh. I am adding my instagram post on the book!

  7. […] Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge– read books with different keywords in the title per month […]

  8. Count me in… I am really excited for this challenge. Here is my sign up post:

  9. […] This challenge is little different and unique. Every month there will be some keywords and books having one of the keywords in title can be read each month. I am really excited for this challenge. This challenge is hosted by Girlxoxo […]

  10. Sofie Avatar

    Count me in! Instagram is @sofie_booksnmore
    My monthly keyword shelf on goodreads is:

  11. I’m in!
    Here’s the Goodreads post with my 2020 challenges: 🙂

  12. Count me in!

    I can also be found on Instagram and Twitter via @ErraticElle

  13. Kerra Avatar

    I’m really excited to join this challenge. I think I’ll be doing this and the Motif one. I’m on Facebook & Instagram.

    1. @Kerra Great!

  14. Kyle O'Keefe Avatar
    Kyle O’Keefe

    I’ll be joining the motif challenge and the key words challenge!

    Post will be up soon!

    1. @Kyle Great! Thanks for joining us for the challenges. Make sure you find us on Goodreads (GXO Reading Challenges)

  15. Colleen Avatar

    Count me in! First time joining! I’m going to post on Goodreads
    And my IG is @colleensreadingadventures

  16. […] second: To join in the 2020 monthly key word challenge hosted by Kim & Tanya of I’d like to manage to find a book with each of the 6 key words and have picked some out […]

  17. Count me in! Instagram @bookloveratheart goodreads

  18. […] Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge 2020 […]

  19. Natasha Avatar

    Count me in.

    I will post my progress on Goodreads and maybe Instagram.

  20. […] Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge 2020 from Girlxoxo […]