Monthly Motif May Check-In [One Sitting Reads]

It’s right about this time of year that my reading always starts to fizzle out a bit. I find that slipping in some quick moving, short books, comics, or poetry collections really helps to get my book mojo moving again. If you’re the same way, hopefully this month will give you a boost…

One Sitting Reads

“Read something that is short enough you could get through it in one sitting- try a graphic novel, comic book, short story, essay, or short collection of poetry.”

Our Choices

✩ KIM ✩

I originally thought I would choose a comic for May but I actually read several of them last month. So I logged in to Goodreads and sorted my ‘to read’ shelf by page number. Then I simply chose one that was under 200 pages that I was in the mood to read. I went with Every Heart A Doorway, Seanan McGuire.

Children have always disappeared under the right conditions; slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe, tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells, and emerging somewhere… else.

Tell us what you plan on reading in the comments – and then Remember to use the linky below to link up to your reads for this month and make sure to check out the other links as well! sites prevent Inlinkz Widget from loading.

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