Monthly Motif Intro and Sign Ups

Monthly Motif Reading Challenge 2020

Welcome to the 6th annual Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! We are so excited to be back for another year. This challenge is meant to give you some fun parameters to follow, while also still allowing you to read the kind of books you like to read. We hope you’ll join us!

Monthly Motif Intro and Sign Ups


~ This is a monthly challenge that runs all year long from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

~ A Motif, or theme, is given for each month. Your task is to read 1 book that fits the motif for that month.

~ Post what you’ve read to social media using the hashtag #MonthlyMotifGXO.

~ Please link back to Girlxoxo, Tanya, or Kim any time you post about the challenge so that we can follow along with your progress!!

~ New This Year: A check in post will be published at the end of each month where you can see what we read for the challenge and comment with the book you chose and a link to your review.


JANUARY-  Winter Wonderland

Focusing on ‘wonderland’, read a book set in a truly wonderful place- somewhere you’ve always thought was beautiful, somewhere with a wonderfully rich culture, a snowy setting, or maybe even a magical realm. It’s your interpretation, so have fun with it.

FEBRUARY- Seeing Red

Read a book with the word ‘red’ in the title OR a book with a red-ish cover. Bonus if it has both.

MARCH- Sub-Genre Sound Off

Choose a sub-genre of your favorite genre and read a book from it. Make sure you mention the sub genre you chose in your review. (Ex. Sub Genres of Fantasy could be Magical Realism, Fairytale Retellings, or Epic Fantasy to name just a few.)

APRIL- Classics or Currents

Read a book published before the year you were born (classic-ish) OR a book published between April 2019 and April 2020 (current.)

MAY- Author Introduction

Read a book written by an author who you’ve never read anything by. Bonus if its been on your TBR for more than a year.

JUNE- Name or Number

Read a book in which a name OR a number is part of the title. Bonus if the title includes both a name and a number.

JULY- Around or Out of this World 

Read a book set in a country other than the one you live in OR written by an author who is from a country other than your own OR read a book that takes place in space or on another planet.

AUGUST- Creature Feature

Read a book that includes a creature of some kind on the cover or in the story. Cat, dog, dragon, werewolf – mythical or real – find a book that features a creature.

SEPTEMBER- When Text Just Isn’t Enough

Read a book that includes more than just text. Maybe it’s a map, a family tree, illustrations, documents like emails or letters- something else that helps to paint the picture.

OCTOBER- Thrills and Chills

Ghost stories, haunted houses, true crime, murder mysteries, a thriller keeping you on the edge of your seat- it’s up to you!

NOVEMBER- Dynamic Duos

Read a book with a couple of characters that make the perfect pair whether in business or in love. (Ex. Sherlock & Holmes, Elizabeth & Darcy)

DECEMBER- Sugar, Spice, Everything Nice

Holiday or winter themed reads, love stories and romances, happy cries, comedies; round out your year with a truly feel good read.


~ Sign up by commenting below to participate- make sure you leave a link to your sign up post in your comment! Announce your participation via your blog, Goodreads, or other social media platform using the hashtag #MonthlyMotifGXO and link back to blog or Instagram (awesomerxoxo) & (chapter_adventure).

*NOTE– We are doing away with linky’s because they have become more pain than they’re worth. So again- sign up by leaving your name and a link to your sign up post in the comments, whether that be on your blog or on social media. You’ll need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to find the comment box. We will be publishing a monthly check in post where you can comment with the book you read and a link to your review. Thanks!!


156 responses to “Monthly Motif Reading Challenge 2020”

  1. Dorothy Dickerson Avatar
    Dorothy Dickerson

    I’m In!

  2. […] all on the shelves so that they correspond with the three reading challenges hosted by GirlXOXO. Monthly Motif Reading Challenge, Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge and Monthly Book Award Reading […]

  3. Keri Henseler Avatar
    Keri Henseler

    I signed up for monthly motif challenge. Can I please get a detailed explanation of how to actually participate? I think I’m supposed to provide a link to my goodreads challenge shelf (I do have one for the challenge but can’t seem to figure out how to provide link).
    I believe I’m supposed to post the book I’m reading each month on my instagram page with hashtag & supposed to tag a couple people as stated in I think I know how to do that. Not 100% though. Need a bit of assistance. Thank you!

  4. […] If you want to join in – go check out the sign up post […]

  5. Joosje Avatar

    I would like to participate, this sounds like fun. I’ve created a shelf on my Goodreads account, it can be found under Joosje.

  6. […] Complete all 12 prompts for both the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge and the Monthly Key Word Reading […]

  7. Signing up for them all! 🙂

  8. Dana-Adriana B. Avatar
    Dana-Adriana B.

    I’m in, it is going to be fun. I will make my list on Goodreads and post it here.
    Happy reading to us all!

  9. awesome, count me in! i will also use goodreads to track down my books 🙂

  10. […] Monthly Motif Reading Challenge has one motif or theme every month and you have to read one book that fits the motif of that month. […]

  11. I loved this challenge in the past. Here is my sign-up post:

    1. @Dana So happy to have you participating again!

  12. […] have enjoyed participating in the Monthly Motif Challenge the last couple of years, even though I haven’t finished it. It gives my reading a fun focus. […]

    1. @Sue Great!

  13. […] done this challenge in the past, but taken off a few years, so have decided to return to the fun. Read 1 book that fits […]

  14. I’m excited for these prompts! Hopefully, I am more successful this year

  15. I’m definitely in -loved the challenge this year (and completed it!)

  16. […] Monthly Motifs                                                     Monthly Key Words […]