Monthly Motif Reading Challenge [October Check In]

Welcome back to the 2020 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! Your challenge this month is to read a book that gives you thrills or chills. Then link up to where you posted about it in the comments, on our Goodreads GXO Reading Challenge group or on Instagram using the hashtag #MonthlyMotifGXO. And don’t forget to update your 2020 Reading Challenges Tracker.

Thrills and Chills

“Ghost stories, haunted houses, true crime, murder mysteries, a thriller keeping you on the edge of your seat- it’s up to you!”

Here are our book suggestions for this month:


  • Your task is to read at least 1 book for this theme
  • Post about what you’ve read anywhere online – your blog, Goodreads and / or social media using the hashtag #MonthlyMotifGXO
  • Come back to our check-in here in the comments leave a link and/or tell us which book(s) you read and what you thought.

… so what are you reading this month?!