New Or Old {Monthly Motif Oct Check In}

Welcome to another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge!! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your Sept {Don’t Turn Out The Lights Reads} book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to October {New or Old}.
New or Old
Choose a new release from 2018 or a book known as a classic.
Our Choices
+ Tanya … Ever since I read the first book in the Simon Serailler series, The Various Haunts of Men, Susan Hill, I knew it was a series I’d like to continue with. My library had book 3, The Risk of Darkness, so I read that one also – but finally I have the 2nd book in my clutches, and have been saving it to read for this Monthly Motif Reading Challenge. It was first published in 2006, so it’s in the “Old” category.
The Pure in Heart (Simon Serailler #3), Susan Hill
A boy disappears waiting for a lift to school. A child miles away in the North of England, is abducted while walking to swimming baths near home. A girl and her harassed single mother become close to their next door neighbor Ed. Simon Serailler has very distressing cases, while still raw after a close shocking bereavement.
+ Kim – This month I plan to finally read Hugh Howey’s Wool. I’ve been meaning to read it forever and my husband has been telling me to read it forever. Funny thing is, I’m the one that first told him about it. But it’s finally time. Wool is definitely in the “old” category as a science fiction cult classic.
Wool, Hugh Howey
Thousands of them have lived underground. They’ve lived there so long, there are only legends about people living anywhere else. Such a life requires rules. Strict rules. There are things that must not be discussed. Like going outside. Never mention you might like going outside. Or you’ll get what you wish for.
Tell us what you plan on reading in the comments – and then Remember to use the linky below to link up to your reads for this month and make sure to check out the other links as well!
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[…] another month of the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! If you haven’t yet- make sure you add your October {New or Old} book reviews to the Link Up. Now, on to November […]
[…] still need to read my selection for this month’s reading challenge – New Or Old {Monthly Motif Oct, which is The Pure in Heart, Simon Serailler. What are you currently reading? Have you completed […]