(O)ffice Vibes {What’s in My Home Office}

home office vibes

I’m lucky enough to work from home 2 days of the week. So, when we moved into our new home, I commandeered one of the rooms to be my home office. There are 2 areas- 1 for work stuff and 1 for personal business.

Work Desk

work desk

I positioned this so I could look outside the larger of the windows. The desk is a Ikea system with an uncomfortable Office Depot chair. The desk only houses a Dell 27″ desktop monitor, Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse combo (and mousepad), a desk lamp (that doesn’t work) and a notepad. Everything else is stuff I take with me to and from work.

Hoem Office Work Desk

During the day, I’ll have out my (work) laptop, work bullet journal, a notebook or 2 and pens – I have a Cross Pen and Pencil Set that stays on the desk. Unfortunately, there’s no cute solution for the unsightly cords below the desk – so I just let them be.

Personal Desk

This also faces a small window on another wall. I bought 2 tables from Hobby Lobby and set a white plank on top that I got from Home Depot. The chair is also from Hobby Lobby.

home office desk

This desk is more cluttered than my work desk. Our paper filing system is on the extreme left and consists of a few polka-dot See Jane Work folders. Beside it is a small 5 drawer organizer and my quote journal that’s always kept open. In the middle of the desk is where my laptop sits.

Home Office

To the right of that, I keep a holder with a gazillion Staedtler pens, library books to be returned, bills or documents that I need to do something with … this side is where the clutter resides.

Inside the drawers, there’s stationary, magazines, cords & other digital accessories etc.

Inside my office, there’s also a double sided HP printer and a shredder. Where do you work from most at home – do you have a dedicated office? Or desk?