On Adult Coloring Books {What Do You Think}

Has it ever happened to you that you think you’re OK with something, but then you find when you’re faced with it – you react differently?

On a recent 3 hour flight to the East Coast for work, I settled in with an audiobook, and watched as the young lady sitting beside me whipped out a coloring book and her coloring pencils.

As she flipped through the book to the page she was about to start working on, I saw that she had already colored in some beautiful designs. She chose her color and started in. 30 minutes later, she was still coloring … 60 minutes later I thought, Wow … that looks like a ridiculous waste of time for an adult.

I actually can’t believe those thoughts entered my head as I had even considered doing it myself at one stage. I’m also not proud of myself for judging this person. I mean  she’s free to do whatever the hell she wants with her time.

I guess, I was just surprised at my own reaction. After all, I read books about vampires, werewolves, fantasy etc. – and I get judged for my choice of reading material all the time.

reading diversity

Yet, here I was, thinking negative thoughts about someone’s choice of a hobby.

So, what do you think about adult coloring books? Have you ever surprised yourself with your reaction to something you thought you were OK with before?

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