Book Twins [Big Little Lies and The Widow]

Book Twins pairs up 2 books that we think are similar – could be cover, title, theme, setting or mood. Today’s pair … Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty and The Widow, Fiona Barton.

Book Twins Big Little Lies and The Widow

Big Little Lies, Liane Moriarty

Madeline is funny and biting, passionate, she remembers everything and forgives no one. Celeste is the kind of beautiful woman who makes the world stop and stare. New to town, single mom Jane is so young that another mother mistakes her for the nanny. While Madeline and Celeste soon take Jane under their wing, none of them realizes how the arrival of Jane and her inscrutable little boy will affect them all.

Big Little Lies

On the surface, this book is about a group of parents in an Australian suburb whose children are starting kindergarten. There are the typical cliques, working moms against stay at home moms and over-parenting. It’s funny and seemingly light and airy …  but under the surface were other layers. The author tackles many issues like bullying and spousal abuse. These women and their marriages all have issues and problems that they’re dealing with.

If you liked Big Little Lies then I think you’ll also like …

The Widow, Fiona Barton

When the police started asking questions, Jean Taylor turned into a different woman. One who enabled her and her husband to carry on, when more bad things began to happen. But that woman’s husband died last week. And Jean doesn’t have to be her anymore.

The Widow (Book)

This is similar in that it talks about the ins-and outs of a marriage … and not everything is as it first appears. But it’s different in that the subject is heavier and darker. The series of events that happen are told from multiple points of view – each of which sees things from a  uniquely different outlook. In The Widow, as in Big Little Lies, secrets is also a big theme.

Have you read either of the 2 books above? What did you think?

(republished from 02APR17)